Salta: they kidnap a 5-year-old girl and they rape her: they investigate the revenge of narco


The incident took place on Thursday afternoon and a few seconds before being abducted, the youngest was playing with other girls on the sidewalk of her house in the Abril district 2 of the city of Oran, Salta.
At that time, the inmate, identified as Javier Jerez who was driving a motorcycle, captured the child and took her to the town of Hipólito Yrigoyen.
Immediately, the girls who were in the place warned a neighbor and she called 911.
According to some reports, at the time of the kidnapping of the victim, he was under the responsibility of one of his sisters, aged 17, because her parents, who would be bagayeros, were working at the border

complaint, the police deployed a lock, and following the heartbreaking cries of the victim who reached the ears of the neighbors in a district of Hipolito Yrigoyen, the investigators managed to reach the place where they stopped the kidnapper and saved the girl.
First, the case was handled by Oran Penal Prosecutor No. 2, Mariana Torres, who, after being suspected of alleged badual abuse, declared incompetence and dismissed the case. Investigation to the Criminal Prosecutor for the family and gender-based violence, in charge of interim fashion Claudia Carreras.
At present, the staff of the Oran Investigation Brigade, together with other sectors of the provincial security forces, is working to establish the circumstances under which the "police". abduction and subsequent badual abuse were caused.
Among the hypotheses retained, that of revenge, since the victim has direct family ties with Juan Antonio Aguilera, aka "Juanzuti" or nicknamed "Patron del Mal del Norte", a narco trade unionist arrested. more than a month and a half in the north of Salta
According to the newspaper El Tribuno, the detainee has a criminal record and among the causes that weigh against him there is one for the crime of pedophilia and another for theft.
On the other hand, the motorcycle in which Jerez was traveling at the time of the kidnapping had been denounced as stolen last Sunday in Oran.
From the Office of the Prosecutor it has been requested the fulfillment of different expertise to clarify the fact, between those who appear the completion of an interview in Camera Gesell of the girl.

Investigate link with "Juanzuti" Aguilera

Last May the unionized capo the narco Juan Antonio Aguilera, who would be the head of an organization that markets drugs in the northern province, was arrested.
After his arrest, several criminal events occurred in Salta and investigators suspect that they might be related to Aguilera, such as, for example, the discovery of a corpse burned on Highway 50 on the border with Bolivia May 30, in a section known as "Bagayeros Road". Another of the facts studied is related to the 60 packets that contained plaster and tried to pbad for cocaine.

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