Salvador, Honduras or Guatemala: what do you know about these countries?


"Trump cuts aid to three Mexican countries," Fox News Agency said about the end of foreign aid that the United States was sending to Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras . The measure was announced by the Donald Trump government in retaliation against the caravans of migrants from those countries who had "settled" to enter the United States.

Beyond the extent, the reaction in social networks to the Fox holder has not been made to wait since the Central American countries have nothing to do with Mexico for several centuries.

Although, during the colonial period, the territory of Central America, along with that of Mexico, belonged to the Viceroyalty of New Spain – with the name of the Kingdom of Guatemala – they became independent from the 19th century as Republic of Central America.

"The absolute independence of Central America occurs in 1823 as a federation of republics that will be dissolved between 1839 and 1842," said El Salvador Salamanca historian in a telephone interview in Mexico. Verne Salamanca recalls that "Central America since the nineteenth century is a space of controversy over the hegemony of the powers, including the United States".

"My impression on this whole issue is that for some people in the United States, there is only Mexico left on the southern border of the Rio Grande," says the historian who insists on the importance of water. foreign aid provided by the United States to Central American countries. badped by violence. "In the 70s and 80s, Central America was important to the US During the Cold War, it was a space to contain the idea of ​​communism that had the states Today, it is only designated as the place of origin of migration. "

The critics against the information of the TV transmitter did not have to wait on Twitter, generating a large amount of comments against the holder. Among them, the President of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele and the senator Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

In Verne We test your knowledge on these three countries of Central America:

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