Saman Abbas wanted to be free, she ran away from her family and they murdered her: the tragic story that moves Italy


The young Pakistani Saman Abbas She has been missing for nearly a month after refusing to marry a cousin due to family constraints. Police are convinced that she was killed by her own Muslim family in what is called a “honor killing”.

Saman was a minor when he fled his home in the town of Novellara, in the wealthy Emilia Romana region of central Italy, and reported his case to the social service.

But after spending time in a shelter, she decided to return home. On May 5, he disappeared. The parents of the young woman, an uncle and two cousins ​​are under investigation for murder, said Lieutenant Colonel of the Carabineers Stefano Bove.

Police suspect all family members participated in the crime. Now the force is hunting down a rural area bordering the family home where it believes the young woman was buried.

Officers inspect “wells, irrigation canals and greenhouses,” Bove said.

They are investigating an alleged “honor killing” (Photo: AFP)

Saman Abbas rebelled last year against a family mandate to marry a cousin in his homeland in a forced marriage.

She therefore contacted social services to report her case. In November, she was transferred to a reception center and even accused her parents to the police. But on April 11, he returned home.

Almost a month later, on May 5, the police attempted to contact her and picked her up from her family’s home. But the house was empty. After a quick investigation, the police established that her parents had returned to Pakistan, but without their daughter.

Then he starts a race against time to find her. When examining a security camera in a nearby house, they found footage that portended a worst-case scenario. There, five people are seen walking away from the house with shovels, a crowbar and a bucket and returning about two and a half hours later.

“Honor crime”

The riflemen identified the five as family members suspected of murder: their parents, an uncle and two cousins. One of the suspects was arrested in France. The others would be in their country of origin.

A young woman who wanted to live free

The Italian press investigated the story of Saman, who came to Italy as a child. Her family forced her to dress entirely in black, covered from head to toe, and she even had to drop out of school.

The young woman grew up under strict religious canons and as a teenager she faced her family who wanted to bring her back to Pakistan. When her parents announced that she would marry a cousin in her home country, she ran away from home and reported the situation to social services.

But when she turned 18, the young woman returned to live with her family, apparently to look for her papers and try to rebuild her relationship, but on May 5 she disappeared.

His younger brother, who is in a protected community, remained in Italy.


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