Samsung makes fun of the new iPhone model


CITY OF MEXICO.- The South Korean company Samsung published a series of videos where she portrays an alleged store of her American rival, whose sellers fail to convince customers of benefits of their models.

The South Korean company Samsung has posted on its YouTube account a series of ironic videos in which it makes fun of certain technical and ergonomic features present in the models of its American rival Apple, reported the portal Vanguardia MX.

One of the graphic documents describes how a customer goes to a store identified by the logo of an apple to ask if he can plug his headphones on the new phone "X".

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The seller explains that this is only possible through a special adapter. In turn, if you want to charge the phone simultaneously, it will require another type of dual adapter.

In another video, a customer asks if the product includes such a fast charger and as the Samsung Galaxy S9 to which the store employee responds negatively and suggests to separately purchase a USB-C cable with Lightning connector next to an adapter for fast charging. 19659002]

Moreover, when a visitor asks questions about the ability of the model camera "X", the seller is forced to admit that the Galaxy has a superior quality .

Before Samsung released another similar video where it suggested that their phones have better speed than download than rival models .

Samsung is a conglomerate of multinational companies based in Seoul, South C area. This is the largest South Korean business group, with many subsidiaries covering companies such as electronics (home appliances and mobile), technology, finance, construction, biotechnology and insurance companies, among others.
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