San Francisco: they investigate if a man killed his …


A dramatic event occurred in San Francisco, United States. During these hours, justice is investigating the case of Stephen o’loughlin, a 49-year-old man who He allegedly killed his nine-year-old son, Pierce, and then committed suicide by refusing to vaccinate him.

The man was found dead last Wednesday, with a gunshot wound inside his home, along with the lifeless body of his son. One of the assumptions made by investigators is that the crime could have taken place due to a dispute over vaccination.

In 2016, O’Loughlin separated from Pierce’s mother and the two were fighting over custody of the boy. Additionally, the father’s stance on vaccines has sparked several brawls between the couple, as reported. The Chronicle of San Francisco.

Pierce’s mother, Lesley Hu, had sought sole custody of the 9-year-old boy since July. A trial was scheduled the day before the murders, but was postponed until March. It was the mother who called the police after being told her son had failed to show up for classes at Convent & Stuart Hall Catholic School in downtown San Francisco.

According to September 2020 court documents obtained by local media, Hu expressed concern over her son’s health and her ex-husband’s obsession with her, while accused O’Loughlin of being an “anti-vaccine” and noted that his “stance on vaccines had taken on a sectarian tone.”

Additionally, Hu claimed that between 2012 and 2016, O’Loughlin funded a self-help group for individual therapy sessions. The record alleges that he took these steps after determining that “the government was trying to catch them and trying to mentally control them.”

The boy’s mother was trying to vaccinate Pierce over O’Loughlin’s objections, and said the two were awaiting a hearing about it.

“I think there is no denying that Pierce’s father suffered from an untreated mental illness, which led to his ending the life of his son and his,” explained Lorie Nachlis, the Hu’s lawyer.

And he concluded: “I think he did this horrible act to exert maximum control over Lesley. He punished her for the latest act of violence, killing her son, and she is going to suffer like I think she was. planned for the rest of his life. “


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