San Pablo imposed a curfew and the streets were filled with protests against


In São Paulo, a nighttime curfew has been declared and face-to-face activities have stopped until March 30 (Photo: TN capture).

The recent imposition of a curfew night and the cessation of face-to-face activities in the Brazilian state of St.Paul it generated the discontent of the local population. Despite the fact that the measures were enacted due to the sustained rise in coronavirus cases, which have brought the region’s health system under control, a crowd rejected their entry into force on Sunday.

With flags of the country and shouting “we want to work”, protesters called on São Paulo authorities to back down after the declaration of the so-called “emergency phase”, which has been in effect since Friday and will last until March 30. In some cases they wore signs with the legend “Out Doria”, referring to the district governor.

As a sign of challenge, a large part of those who attended the mobilization they did not respect social distancing necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and neither were they wearing masks.

“Out with Doria”, one of the slogans of the mobilization (Photo: TN capture).

The protests in the heart of São Paulo, one of the richest and most populous regions of Brazil, were called on the occasion of the entry into force of the night curfew and the cessation of activities in front of face imposed to prevent the collapse of the health system. Does, as officially reported, doctors cannot meet the demand for beds, especially in intensive care units.

The aforementioned measures, added to the suspension of sports tournaments Yet the reduction of lessons to the strict minimum, they register at “Emergency phase” announced by Governor Joao Doria last Thursday.

“There is a real risk of collapse and we have no national coordination of the pandemic”, justified the official when communicating the decision at a press conference.

Many demonstrators mobilized without masks and without respecting social distance (Photo: TN capture).

According to international media, in São Paulo there are about 9000 inmates in intensive care due to the coronavirus, nearly half of whom are under 50.

The pressure on the health system is attributed to the emergence of a most recent and contagious strain of COVID-19 in the Amazon, which led to Brazil becoming the country with worldwide disease deaths last week.

In this context, occupancy of intensive care beds in the state, where 46 million people live, it reaches 100% in the largest hospitals. Meanwhile, the demand for health in the district is 87%, while on February 17, it was 66%.

Workers dig graves in the Vila Formosa cemetery in San Pablo (Photo: EFE).

The second wave with the Manaus variant defeated the three southern states – Rio Grande do Sul, Santa Catarina and Paraná – and now São Paulo is on the verge of no longer having the capacity to take care of all its patients.

“It’s the biggest health crisis in history, worse than the Spanish flu of 1918Worse than anything we know, public and private networks have never been so equipped, but now they are under pressure, ”São Paulo Health Secretary Jean Gorinchteyn told local media. Faced with this situation, he asked wear face masks and avoid crowds.

Regarding the measures announced, the objective of which is to reduce traffic in the streets, Joao Gabbardo, former vice-minister of health and coordinator of the COVID-19 committee of São Paulo, added: “If this is not respected , with a curfew and a lot of courage to supervise, there will be no single bed. No private hospitals with the best private health insurance they won’t have beds “.


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