San Patricio: why it is commemorated on March 17 and how it is celebrated in Argentina


Although this is a national holiday of the Republic of Ireland and you were celebrating it with the day of the foundation, many years ago in different parts of the world, this celebration was adopted as a pretext for reliving Irish customs, how to dance Celtic music, dress in green and drink beer.

According to legend, Saint Patrick He used three-leaf clover to explain the mystery of the Most Holy Trinity. This is how this element becamenational symbol very present during the holidays which he remembers today. Nowadays, clover has become a decorative element, in addition to representing an amulet of luck and abundance.


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In Argentina, because of the large immigration of Irish and Celtic origin, where the fifth Irish community out of Ireland, big parties are organized in the streets and parks of Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Rosario, as well as in other parts of the country. These celebrations have the official participation of the Embbady of Ireland and Irish and descendants badociations.

This Sunday, the City of Buenos Aires will be dyed green, in the 11th edition of "Buenos Aires celebrates Ireland"From noon, in Avenida de Mayo and Bolívar, there will be more than 50 stands offering gastronomy, crafts and typical Irish products.

Then, around the age of 15, the St. Patrick's Day parade will be deployed, with music and dances from the European country. And will feature the presentation of Argentine band Streets, which will perform the most successful songs of the famous Irish rock band U2.

In addition, different bars and brbaderies will offer promotions to accompany the celebrations of this day.


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