San Rafael: complex operation to a baby of 720 grams – – Diario de Mendoza, Argentina


At the Schestakow Hospital in San Rafael, a complex operation was performed on a baby born at 24 weeks of gestation and weighing 720 grams

Surgery was needed after the child had had an "arterial cbad". ", Constituted of a conduit that connects with the heart and that does not reach closure in cases of premature births, such as that attended by professionals.

The director of the hospital, Luis Vergani, reported that a room was prepared It was isolated from the rest of the neonatal area of ​​the Hospital Hospital and a team of Notti cardiovascular surgeons was received, which together with their local counterparts, performed the complex intervention

"Having good human resources and putting in our equipment allowed us to establish the diagnosis, to perform the treatment and then the intervention, "said Vergani.

Before the operation, two other medical maneuvers to try to close the channel, but when this goal was not achieved, there was no choice but to use surgery to preserve the life of the newborn.

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