Sanchez, after the victory: won the future and lost the past


The PSOE won with 28% of the votes (7.3 million votes) and 123 deputies on the 350 of the Congress of Deputies, with 98% of the votes counted.

"We sent several messages, there was a message of what we do not want: we do not want involution, regression, we want a country that is moving forward and looking towards the future" said the leader of Spanish socialism from the balcony of Ferraz in front of a crowd This minute ago rejected a possible coalition with the citizens.

"With Rivera no, with Rivera no" and "No pasarán" were the most repeated songs that clearly showed the limits that the PSOE will have to form to form a government.

On the other hand, Sanchez said the elections were "a clear, clear and resounding message to Europe and the world that one can defeat authoritarianism and involution with progressive forces".

The current head of the Spanish government, who holds a minority with only 85 deputies since he relieved the conservative Mariano Rajoy in June 2018 by way of a motion of censure, won a convincing triumph in almost doubling the PP seats of Pablo Casado. with 16.6% of the votes pbades from 137 to 66 deputies.

The head of Podemos, Pablo Iglesias, this Sunday was offered to the Spanish Prime Minister, the Socialist Pedro Sánchez, to form a "left coalition government".

Iglesias told the press that "We will work so that there is in Spain a coalition government of the left".

The head of can, who lost 15 MPs until the 42, and rose from the third to the fourth political force with 14% of the vote, admitted that "we would have liked the result to be better but that it was enough to Stop right and left coalition government ".


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