Sandleris's message to the "wounded" of financial cycling


From the entity, they send signals for the market to understand the direction of monetary policy. But the dollar does not recognize and worry is growing

The Bank Central, aftereds some left and turned obvious with the form in the What tender your Leliq, isa trying of polish the message What wants send him at market. Communicate whated they want make is fundamental for the administrationornot of Guido Sandleris.

By it your main the officials, Gustavo Itnotonero (the vice-president) and Watchornica Rappoport (vice) they are the managers of "make him arrive at market" the the intentions official.

The "spokesman" of the man What to put Nicolas Dujovne at in front of of the BCRA they have the task of to bring calm a the bankers e investors (local and of the outside) and transmit the message official: the hardness of the políethics monetary he keepa e even he couldía increase of be necessary.

Claro What the transpied of the úlatest días, with the dorlar in hiking a to weigh of the Download of fees, showor What the market not him I understoodor of the all the idea. O, at less, not actor in result.

Aftereds of to have unfolded the auction of letters sure the final of the week past, the On Monday they came back a switch of book e they did nail only surgeryornot. It product bad mood in the market financial. O, by what less, surprise.

By it the Tuesday they came back a switch: they warned What "with the target of improve the henotat of políethics monetary and grade with mas the precisionornot the liquidity of the system" they went a return the auction two time by día while all the week. ¿Y aftereds of the Friday? Nobody know cormo to follow.

In the monetary tables of the major banks, they said the dynamics of the dollar was worrying. The BCRA validated maximum rates of 63.50% on Tuesday, but the bill increased by 25 cents to $ 41.50.

"There is more demand for local or private companies, although there is a greater appetite for coverage of foreign investors, that is to say, there is more demand for local or private companies, although there is more demand for foreign investor coverage, ie "stranger," explained at the head of a leading entity on iProfesional.

"All this is very difficult, it takes a lot of time for foreigners to enter the Leliq rate, so we have to give him some time to see if he stabilizes the exchange rate," he said. declared.

"There is no demand from retailers and very few companies, but from outside." They had bought many peso holdings when Sandleris appeared, then the carry trade was decommissioned by the devaluation ", add the banks.

The Foreign investors exit bonds in pesos, like Lecaps that the Treasury issues and asks for a way to protect itself from a devaluation.

This increased demand for badets that protects the gain in dollars after the exchange rate hike of more than 13% over the year and peso rates have not yet reacted to the new increases applied by the BCRA, is what drives the foreign exchange market.

Curiously, the Treasury missed the call of its Letes in dollars and the reopening of the BONCER (borrowing in pesos adjusted for inflation).

They were worth $ 913 million, but the market was worth $ 860 million. (which have been almost entirely taken). The rate was what the government wanted: set at 4.5%. It is an instrument that expires on October 11, 2019, two weeks before the presidential elections.

And with the BONCER for 2021, a total of $ 30,653 million was awarded, but the yield was 9.37%, while in the secondary market it was 9%.

At the Central Bank, it is clear that the number one priority is the stabilization of the dollar. It would be worrying that the note continues to climb in the midst of a sharp rise in rates.

But the entity has few letters in its sleeve: the strongest is the interest rate when one prays for the dollars of the fields and Dujovne negotiates with the IMF to sell nearly 9 000 million dollars as of the month from May.

"We think it takes time for the market to read the message we send with this tool, "said a very important source of the plant in reference to what they do in the Leliq auctions.. "You have to give it time because the effect of the rates is not immediate," they recall.

Even in this case, they run the risk of not reaching the time needed for the market to "recalculate" the new system and the dollar continues its upward trend, generating a "snowball" process.

"Argentina has many challenges to face, we have marked the overvaluation of the peso at that time, which is only beginning to decline, but the most important challenge remains the positioning of investors. In recent years, there has been an avalanche of capital inflows, making it difficult to find buyers nowsaid Robin Brooks, chief economist at the Institute of International Finance (IIF), a Goldman Sachs alumnus.

What the banker says is that after being hit by the devaluation, investors' fear of getting their dollars back (and going into pesos) is very great; and this imbalances the foreign exchange market.

"No there is bid, it is what What pbad of What he I knewor the the data of l & # 39; inflationornot of January and the investors they did bills and they decided go. Missing What someone & # 39; a dressing dorlares" confirmed of other bench.

¿Arrivea the message of the BCRA for stabilize the dorlar? ¿Habra margin for new Download of fees? Hours decisive.

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