Sanitary chaos in Italy: abandoned and missing coffins …


A national inspection campaign revealed the health chaos that exists Italy, with abandoned coffins, a lack of hygiene and false burial certificates. The alarming situation occurred both in morgues in public hospitals and in private clinics.

The operation carried out by the Carabinieri Command for the Protection of Health, according to the health ministry of that country, revealed that 375 deposits corpses and burial chambers examined, 85 of them were found irregularities, which resulted in 102 criminal and administrative sanctions.

In addition, they were denounced 23 people and 78 authorities administrative staff, including managers of hospitals and health facilities, as well as owners of private funeral homes.


Among the irregularities found are “non-compliance with epidemic containment measures and safety in the workplace, due to the lack of cleanliness and disinfection of facilities, the absence of separate routes for the transport of bodies and the lack of training of operators on the risk of exposure to biological agents, ”explained the riflemen in a press release.

The majority, 68, have been detected “in rooms used for corpses and for farewell in the presence of family members, Bad conditions sanitary and structural, with the presence of plaster, damp and mold stains, cracked tiles, old and rusty furniture “.

“In particularly difficult situations, long abandoned coffins awaiting burial or cremation have been discovered, false burial certificates previously unearthed remains, coffins with spills and bloodstains, ”local media reported.

The carabinieri indicated that they had initiated procedures to close the activity of a sector within the mortuary of the Cisterna di Latina cemetery (center), due to the serious lack of hygiene detected, and of a funeral home in the area. Province of Lecce (south), operating under conditions of commercial incompatibility.


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