Santangelo: “Spanish has a much stronger ideological component than Moreno”


Following statements by the secretary of Internal trade of the Ministry of Productive Development, Paula Spanish, on the possibility of closing meat exports to curb their price increase, the economist Rodolfo Santangelo, Macroview consultancy firm, He compared the official to the former Secretary of Commerce, Guillermo Moreno and assured that “he has a much stronger ideological component”.

In recent statements, the official said that “the meat price it increased a lot more at the end of last year and also this year ”, and that although there is an agreement, some price increases or pressures are the result of speculation. “The truth is, , he assured. He later toned down that warning and said they were just considering this option.

For his part, the economist, in statements to Radio Milenium, said that the fact “is not new” and that the business sector is starting to compare it “with what was experienced at another time with Guillermo Moreno, who ended up being a dog who barked a lot and a little less.” For the specialist, Moreno “fought, but he knew that the company had to increase prices because costs were rising, the macro was inflationary”. In exchange, “Paula Español has a much stronger ideological component than Guillermo Moreno ”, he pointed out.

“We come with suppressed inflation. In the calculations that we do in the study, with what the commerce secretary does with the price of food and what is done with energy and other things, we calculate that there are 10 repressed inflation points“, He explained.

On inflationary acceleration and the lagging exchange rate as a way to contain it, the economist said: “Inflation of six consecutive months of 4% was inevitable and now they want to suppress it in a seven-month plan to the elections.” According to Santangelo: “The delay of the exchange rate It might be one of the instruments, but it’s the one that worries me the least because the truth is that the 90 mango exchange rate has a certain cushion to build on, I’m much more concerned with the delay in tariffs, excessive price control and that it does not change economic policy in general, which is what generates inflation ”.

“Here there is a paradox, the more successful this inflationary repression program between here and the elections, the more likely it is that the question will arise as to what will happen the next day. “added.

He also mentioned the lack of agreement with the International Monetary Fund, which for the specialist is linked to a “Inconsistent economic policy. “

“It is clear that this mechanism of inflationary repression and of maintaining the parallel dollar or cash with liquidation by having decreed that the BCRA buys at 90 and sells at 150 has a limit. All this engineering of wanting to cover the sun with your fingers, if not backed up by a coherent economic policy, sooner or later spills over into the economy. Something can happen, ”he told himself.


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