Santi Maratea surprised with a new look: “Do you have to get permission to walk with this flow?


The instagramer chose an ash blonde. (Photo: Instagram / santimaratea)

After isolation after your trip abroad, Santiago maratea took advantage of one of his first outings to change see. “It was cool, I’m happy. I’m in awe, they don’t expect it! ” hours to reveal the result.

“I’m about to do some paperwork and I wanna know if you gotta get permission to walk the streets with this flow. Can we be so calm? Let me know, ‘please’, ”he quipped in a video where he proudly showed off this new ash blonde style, which is somewhat reminiscent of rapper Eminem.

To renew your appearance, Maratea trusted Facu Navajas, a very recognized hairdresser because he is also banner on Twitch. “A little changed, eh?” Thanks ‘wach’, ”the popular stylist wrote in a post where he recorded how the cut looked to Instagram.

Duki was one of the celebrities who trusted Facu Navajas to change their look. (Photo: Instagram / facu_nvj)

Other celebrities who have relied on his talent with scissors and knives have been Duki, Coscu, Killah lit, and Zaramay, among others.

The unexpected call Santiago Maratea received from the Spanish police

Ten days ago, Santi returned to Argentina and began the corresponding quarantine after his vacation in Europe. “I was afraid of Maru Botana, who, as she did not go to a hotel, fined her 4 million pesos. Do you know how much I collect to pay my fine? But I discovered and since I come from the City, I did not have to go to the hotel, ”he explained in an Instagram video. And in the midst of this story, an international call completely upset him.

“I have some news. They will fall dead … with what I am going to tell you. My phone rings, with a code +34, it is from Spain. I am assisting. Hello, Santiago Maratea We call you from the Spanish Metropolitan Police of Catalonia. We have found a portfolio of yours. They found my wallet!“He apologized.

Instagram respects isolation at home. (Photo: Instagram / santimaratea)

On August 13, the influencer listed everything he had lost during a day of terror in Barcelona: cash, credit and debit cards, as well as the key to the apartment you rented. To make matters worse, as if that wasn’t enough, unable to communicate with the owner of the property, he spent the night on the street.

Maratea appreciated the way the Spanish police did everything in their power to inform her that she had found her things. “The wallet contained a medal from the gymnasium I went to in Barcelona. They contacted the gym, asked me and gave them my contact to call me and give me the wallet. They give them contact and they call me, ”he said.

“They said to me ‘we have your wallet, it has two credit cards, keys, 20 euros, one US dollar and 50 Argentine pesos.’ They tell me I can remove it in 48 hours or send an authorization by email for someone else to remove it, “he added. Pleased with the news, the instagrammer assured that he felt like he had found the dog that he lost at age 6. “There is no other choice but to applaud with ort …”, he concluded.


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