Santiago del Estero: two zoo lions have been relocated and released in South Africa


Animal Notes |

May 19, 2019
– 16:05

Secu and Zuka are the last two animals that stayed in the institution where they spent many years in captivity.

After having lived in captivity for several years in the zoo of Santiago del Estero, the Secu lion and the lioness Zuka were transferred to South Africa and released into the Ubuntu Wildlife Sanctuary after 75 hours of travel.

"Both are safe and in their night shelters, they have had a good hearty meal and will be released in their compound. They are together and will reside in the same compound", Says the statement where an arrival video is also attached.

The lions are together on the same property and will live next to Melena, another lion saved from this zoo.


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"On Sunday morning, we successfully launched Secu and Zuka into their official compound. Secu left first and immediately went to explore his pen, brushing the bushes and feeling the trees. He continued to roar for over 3 hours and we could all feel his emotion and happiness! ", Extract from the official report of the municipality of Santiago del Estero.

On March 18, the release of the lion Melena and Tika Tika, who visited the same shrine, materialized. Another tigress, named Tuna (who came from a circus), was transferred on March 27 to a Drakenstein shrine, also in South Africa.

In 2014, the deliberative Council of Santiago del Estero approved unanimously the final closure of the municipal zooSan Francisco de Asís, located in the Aguirre Park. With the arrival of Secu and Zuka in South Africa, the transfer of the last five remaining felines to Santiago del Estero is completed and the zoo is finally closed.


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