Santiago Maratea asked for donations to go on vacation to Europe and sparked controversy: his explanation


Santiago Maratea asked for donations to go on vacation to Europe and sparked controversy: his discharge (Photo: Instagram santimaratea)

After making the news for leading various solidarity campaigns, this week Santiago maratea raised over $ 90,000 to help three people: Ezra, a boy diagnosed with DIPG who needed money for his treatment; Mariana Laspiur, the famous hairdresser victim of an elevator accident; and Julio Sosa, a broadcaster who suffers from ALS. But a few hours ago, the influencer is in the eye of the storm for asking them money to his followers for a personal trip. While some support him and stress that he deserves it, others blame him for his attitude. Without wasting time, he He came out to defend himself on his social networks.

For several days, Maratea has been walking in Europe. Now it occurred to her go on vacation to Formentera, Spain, and opened an appeal for those who want to contribute a sum of money to help him in his goal.

The personal initiative was not well received by all its supporters. Then he echoed the critics and referred to the comment of an Internet user who turned that after each campaign, he gave himself a “good taste paid for by the workers ”.

“There are people who don’t know, but I make my own collection every time I finish a collection of others. I pass the course, and with this string I buy things that have no social utility, ”explained the influencer who asked anyone who can and wants to contribute 100 pesos to pay for the stay at the vacation destination.

In this sense, he said he did not agree with the idea that a person with a social vocation should not have money: “I don’t know who invented it. In addition, he stressed that “it is a trap” and that sets up a misconception about kindness as an “unreachable place”.

“I shit… on that.” I will fill myself with money and I will continue to help people like I do years ago and it makes me very happy, ”he concluded conclusively.

The solidarity causes of Santi Maratea

Since the beginning of the year, Santiago has participated in several solidarity campaigns to support different requests: he obtained two ambulances for a Wichi community in Salta, bought the most expensive drug in the world in Emmita, paid for the trip of athletes. Argentines to the South. American from Guayaquil and has collaborated with the NGO Trans Argentinxs, which helps trans children, among others.

Last week added three new goals: obtained $ 51,000 for the first three months of Ezra treatment, a baby diagnosed with DIPG – a very strange cancer that attacks the functions of the body -; raised a million pesos for Recovery of Mariana Laspiur, the famous hairdresser, and her mother-in-law who suffered a terrible accident when an elevator fell, and joined $ 30,000 for Julio Sosa’s drug, a diffuser suffering from ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis).

Users celebrated the achievements of Maratea. (Photo: Capture)

As if all that wasn’t enough, Wednesday has become a trend after visit Fede Ledezma in the hospital, a boy from Cordoba with neuroblastoma and hospitalized in Spain. Initially, he offered to give him the toy he so longed for, but when he went to the place where he met two other children, he decided to change his plans: he gave different toys to the three and his brothers. . In his stories, he shared the moment when they received the gifts and moved all the users.


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