Sara Sofia’s mother reveals from prison what their life was like before the girl’s bizarre disappearance


Carolina Galván, mother of the girl Sara Sofía who disappeared in January 2021 in Bogotá.
Carolina Galván, mother of the girl Sara Sofía who disappeared in January 2021 in Bogotá.

In an interview with Semana magazine, Carolina Galván recounted in detail what her life was like before her daughter’s disappearance. He revealed events prior to the girl’s disappearance and also argued that Nilson Díaz, a man she lived with, lied to authorities by pointing out that she was Sara Sofía’s murderer.

In dialogue with the media, the woman assures that the last day she saw the young girl was January 29, 2021, day when according to her, apparently, the minor had not woken up for 3 days; However, that day, he left his house at 11 o’clock in the morning to go to work, the afternoon on his return, he said that he could no longer find the minor in the room.

“When he came back at five in the afternoon, I couldn’t find the girl. The little girl’s body was no longer in the house. I started asking the partner I was living with where the girl was, and he wouldn’t tell me, he would find excuses, he would tell me later; He didn’t want to tell me the truth about the girl’s whereabouts. And I kept asking him until he told me that the girl was supposedly in the pipe, ”Galván tells the magazine.

After recounting that the girl had not woken up for three days, the woman explained to Semana that since January 27, she had not opened her eyes and, apparently, was not breathing, so she indicated that ‘maybe she was already dead. “He wasn’t waking up and I didn’t know what had happened to him. She did not wake up. I did not open my eyes and nothing ”, Sara’s mother is tied.

To the question Why didn’t you ask for help, why didn’t you call the doctors? She replied that Nilson had threatened her, and also because the owner of the house they lived in had warned her that he didn’t want to have any problems with this matter, so she remained silent.

As for the legal mess he faces, Semana asked him about the version he gave. Nilson Díaz, her sentimental partner, told the prosecution in which she said that she had come to the house to beat the girl very aggressively, to the point of leaving her a purple on the forehead. To which Carolina replied that the girl was fine on January 27 and when she came back from work the same day she saw her asleep in her bed so she didn’t notice anything strange, but at night, Nilson called her and she showed him Sara had foam from her nose and mouth, and she said she hadn’t opened her eyes.

The woman later remarks that she never hit the girl.

“At no time did I hit the girl in the face. That day, too, the girl was with him. I had gone to work; He calls me on my cell phone and says: Carolina, the girl got tangled in a board, she fell and hurt her eye. I was outside and he calls me and tells me that. I was afraid. I go home early, when I arrive and find the girl with a black eye and a bruised forehead, ”the woman explained.

Ante la posibilidad de que Nilson la hubiera golpeado y maltratado, Galván afirma no tener certeza de ello, pero lo que sí explica, es que exist the probability that la niña sí esté muerta, pues insistió que ella vio que la niña no despertaba desde hace Three days.

“Maybe the girl died because I myself saw that she hadn’t woken up. I tell him (Nilson), let’s tell the truth, and he starts telling me not to say anything because it was going to end in trouble. Each rabón threatened my family, who were going to plant a bomb and started threatening me with a weapon. Because of that I was afraid of him “Sara’s mother explained.

In the midst of the many versions that the authorities have known, Semana asks her why at the beginning she had said that she herself had wrapped it in a sheet and threw it in the sewer, then she tells another version in which she says she has no idea what Nilson did with the girl, Carolina revealed that this man threatened her and he told her he should blame himself for what happened, ” that I would make up anything so that he wasn’t involved in it all, ”the woman said.

“The truth, all these things that I said that the girl had given, it was all her idea. He forced me to say that it was me, that I had thrown her out; later, that I had given him as a gift, and all that so that he does not fall into this problem, “he revealed during the interview.

Sara Sofía Galván, baby missing since the end of January in the south of Bogotá
Sara Sofía Galván, baby missing since the end of January in the south of Bogotá

Likewise, Carolina said she had been prostituted by Nilson, who when she left her house and lived on the streets, she met him one night in a park where she slept. There, this man told her that he had been in prison, that he had also used drugs and that over time he had taken her to live in a house, but this forced her to prostitute herself. so as not to suffer from hunger.

“He said to me: if you don’t want to suffer in the street, endure the cold, you have to start working and bring something home. I said to him: what am I going to work on if no one gives me a job? I hardly know how to do anything. Then, one day he said to me: well, the women who work in prostitution earn a lot of money “And that’s how Carolina started working in the Patio Bonito neighborhood.

He said he made $ 30,000 at this location and everything he produced was donated to Nilson. After Sara’s alleged death and disappearance, this man threw her out of the house and took her to a Paid Patio Bonito newspaper.

“He made me pack my bags. I started to cry, he said to me: he is going to have to move to a women’s business. I didn’t want that. He picks me up and takes me to Patio Bonito and starts looking for me to pay for the newspapers. We found one for 7,000 pesos a day and there he left me ”, Carolina pointed out to Semana.

At the end of the interview, he said he often thought about killing himself, missed his daughter, remembered her as a wide awake and happy baby. He apologizes to his family, but especially to his sister, from whom he should never have taken Sara, because she came to think that he wanted to take her away. Likewise, he asks Nilson to tell the truth about what happened with Sara and not to blame her for something she didn’t do, as he states that is why he gave the interview to the magazine Semana, to affirm: “I didn’t kill my daughter.”


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