Sasha Obama is no longer a baby: the photos of her graduation party


It was a viral challenge that flooded the networks, causing all kinds of publications. The #TenYearsChallenge call seems to be a story of the last century, but it was actually a few months ago. It happens with time, it flies away. And when it comes to guys, speed is measured in light years.

Sasha Obama is the youngest of two daughters of Barack Obama and Michelle Obama. And he was a privileged witness to his father's move to the White House, between January 2009 and January 2017. As he devoted himself to the 44th presidency of the United States, Sasha was only 8 years old and she spent all her teenage years there.. He has always done it with a very low profile, a situation that has worsened when his father has ceased to be the political leader of his country.

Until now. Because Sasha came back to reappear in intimate photos in which we see her celebrating her prom, a tradition among northern students. This shy little girl becomes a woman. Sasha appears posing with a friend named Chris Milton and with the whole family of the young man.

The Obama live in Washington, where Sasha attended clbades. It will now take a year of rest during which he is supposed to travel around the world and in 2021 he will resume his academic career at the University of Michigan. Malia, the eldest Obama, has studied at Harvard for a few years. At age 57 and 55, Barack and Michelle begin to smell what is called the empty nest.


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