Saudi Arabia. 37 people executed for terrorism


All were beheaded except one who was crucified. The convicts attempted to carry out an attack in Riyadh on behalf of the Islamic State

Saudi Arabia. Two days after the police countered an attack in Riyadh by the jihadist group of the Islamic State, the Saudi court executed the 37 people arrested. All were beheaded except one, crucified.

The Saudi Interior Ministry announced that the executions had taken place after the decision of the Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court and that a royal decree had ratified the maximum penalty at the 39th. against convicts.

The executions were condemned for "adopting an extremist terrorist ideology, formed terrorist cells, corrupted and destabilizing security, exacerbated chaos, provoked sectarian sedition, undermined peace and social security, several security forces and treason for collaborating with hostile entities "in the kingdom.

Those executed, all Saudi nationals, were executed in the cities of Riyadh, Mecca, Medina, Al Sharqia, Al Qasim and Asir. Khaled Abdelkarim Al Tuegri was the only one to be crucified, the rest being beheaded by a hangman. The terrorists, who belonged to the Islamic states, had tried to detonate an interrogation center at a security headquarters of the Saudi nation in Al Zulfi province. There, at the time, four jihadists died.


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