Saudi Arabia and Iran say they are ready for war | Chronic


In the midst of a climate of increasing regional tension, the governments of two of the major rival powers, the Saudi monarchy and the Iranian theocracy, warned that they were not afraid of a new war and that they were ready to undergo it.

"Saudi Arabia does not seek war, but will respond firmly to any threat.We will not allow Iran to carry out hostile acts against the kingdom.The Kingdom will respond with force and firmness if the another party chooses war. "badured the Saudi Chancellor Adel in Yubeir at a press conference in Riyadh.

Adel to Yubeir.

Iran, for its part, has also tried to establish a difficult balance between moderation and threat, but has identified as its enemy the United States, the main international ally of the Saudi monarchy.

"We do not seek war, but we do not fear it either, it's the difference with them (the Americans), who are afraid of war and do not have the will"warned the commander-in-chief of the elite corps the Guardians of the Revolution, Salami Hosseinduring a military ceremony broadcast by national television.

"The philosophy of the Americans is to plunder the nations and pave the way for modern slavery and unilateral domination, and that political philosophy generates war, not power.", he added, quoted by the EFE news agency.

Salami Hossein.

Tension began to grow in the region when the President of the United States, Donald Trump, turned 180 degrees to the policy of his predecessor, Barack Obamavis-à-vis Iran, he renounced the multilateral nuclear agreement and again imposed unilateral sanctions on the Islamic republic.

Since then, warnings and threats have been constant, but a few days ago, tension reached a new high when the Pentagon sent an aircraft carrier and B-52 bombers into the Persian Gulf to face Iranian threats potential, detected by the US intelligence services. .

Shortly after, Saudi Arabia denounced an attack on two pumping stations of the state-owned company Aramco off the UAE and immediately accused Iran.

The attack was eventually taken over by the Houthi rebel movement, the same one that Saudi Arabia launched four years ago in Yemen and that it accuses of being a puppet of Tehran.

Threats from Saudi Arabia and Iran coincide with the day before the meeting of the Joint Ministerial Oversight Committee to verify the commitment made by the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC) – of which Riyadh and Tehran are members – and other ten independent producers, including Russia.

The meeting will have representatives of the two rival powers and will be held in Jeddah, the second largest city in Saudi Arabia.


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