Saudi Arabia has threatened to withdraw all its investments from the US and stop using petrodollars


"Saudi Arabia threatens to sell its oil in currencies other than the dollar if Washington approves a bill that would expose OPEC members to US antitrust lawsuits", Said Reuters, according to "Three sources know Saudi politics" about energy.

The standard that governs Trump's management is the "Law against oil production and export posters" (NOPEC, for its acronym in English), which would allow the Republican government to bring antitrust litigation in US courts against participants in oil cartels, in this case those of OPEC.

The project was first introduced in 2000 and aims to eliminate the sovereign immunity of US antitrust laws, thereby allowing OPEC members to be sued for reduced production in order to raise oil prices.

The sources quoted by Reuters claim that this "Theme" – through the threat – has already been discussed in recent months between senior officials of the energy sector in Saudi Arabia. In turn, the agency reported that the "Plan" have been badyzed by OPEC members and that the Saudis have already set up "Knowledge" new intentions to US officials. "The Saudis know that they have the dollar as a nuclear option" said one of the sources consulted by Reuters.

Saudi Arabia is the largest oil reserve in the world. The hydrocarbon experts believe that it is unlikely that the threat will materialize. They shall ensure that the possibility of entry into force of the "NOPEC" project is "Little" and it is "unlikely" Saudi Arabia fulfills its mission. If the Saudis abandon the dollar operations, they would affect their status as the biggest donor on the planet, reduce the influence of global trade on Washington and weaken their ability to impose sanctions on the oil states, they hold.

The other potential Arab threat to NOPEC included the liquidation of the kingdom's dollar badets in the United States. Saudi Arabia has almost $ 1 trillion invested in the northern country and a few 160,000 million US dollars in Treasury bonds. If Riad – the Saudi capital – complied with its intimidation tactics, it would also have to get rid of the fixed exchange rate of the Saudi Riyal (local currency) against the dollar established since 1986.

"Saudis say: let Americans approve NOPEC and it will be the collapse of the US economy", added another anonymous source requested by Reuters.

Until now, the Saudi Ministry of Energy has not made any official comments. The US Department of Energy has also not responded to a request for comments from the agency. However, a few days ago, the energy secretary, Rick Perry, admitted publicly that the NOPEC law could lead to "Unforeseen consequences".


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