Saudi Arabia reports two oil stations bombarded with drones


"Seven unmanned planes attacked vital Saudi installations "Al Masira said on his official Twitter account, citing a military source.

The Saudi authorities denounced the attack with the help of drones that caused a fire and "limited damage" in one of the Riyadh region facilities.

The Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, Khalid Al FalihHe said the attack took place between 06:00 and 06:30 local time (between 0 and 0.30 in Argentina) in two stations in Dawadmi and Afif, announced the official SPA agency.

Al Falih said that Aramco had halted the supply of crude oil via the oil pipeline that carries oil from the eastern zone to the port of Yanbu, in the west of the country .

The Saudi authorities have described the attack as an attack on the security of global energy supply and said as authors the Yemeni Houthi militias, backed by Iran.

"The Kingdom condemns this cowardly attack (…) that was not aimed solely at the kingdom, but at the security of the energy supply of the whole world and the international economy", said the official message.

He added that the attack confirmed the "The importance of facing all the terrorist organizations that commit these acts of sabotage, among which the Houthis in Yemen, backed by Iran".

Houthi rebel attacks in Yemen against Saudi installations and targets are common and have been part of the war in the Arab country for five years, according to the EFE news agency.

In December 2014, Houthi rebels occupied Sanaa and other provinces of the country and expelled the president of power. Abdo Rabu Mansur Hadirecognized by the international community and exiled to Riyadh.

Saudi Arabia, at the head of an international coalition in which also participate the United Arab Emirates, he has been involved in the conflict in 2015 alongside Hadi against the Houthis, which he accuses of. to be supported by Iran.

Attacks on Saudi installations took place at a time of heightened tension in the Persian Gulf following the alleged sabotage of four ships last weekend in the waters of the UAE's exclusive economic zone.

These acts took place just three days after the United States warned that such an incident could occur and that several US warships were settling in the area.

The United States said it took the decision to move the ships because of "indications" that Iran was preparing for "conduct offensive operations against US forces and interests in the region", something that Teheran rejected.


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