Scammer claimed to be Viggo Mortensen and told the story of the uncle to women


The scam he is trying to achieve started from an Instagram account ( in which he publishes photos of the artist in various movies and events: there contact his victims and send your cell phone number to talk on WhatsApp.

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The Instagram account of viggomortensenofficial_chat, from which scams are made.

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The Instagram account of viggomortensenofficial_chat, from which scams are made.

The number "+1 (252) 858-0187" is registered in the US state of North Carolina and starts from the scam.. If the victim is a man, he praises him and makes him believe that he is his favorite among all the fans, whereas if he is a woman, he plays the role of the man. love, but always in bad Spanish.

"You are a unique woman, I want to see you soon in Argentina, I want to take care of you, I fell in love with you", is one of the sentences that he used with a woman named Mirta who has already filed a complaint.

The alleged victim told the NA News Agency that while he was softening his ears and telling him a part of his life, the scammer had asked him for money for collaborate with an alleged foundation, then told him that he would present a new film in September. .

For this reason, he wanted to come to Argentina to see her, but he asked her to send her representative the money for the tickets, which should be first clbad.

"When I told him that I could not pay them until October, he got angry and wanted to end the conversation, as if he was offended and even told me he missed a great opportunity to visit me. " You know how many fans want to see us and see you? obviously, I knew it was a scammer who wanted to bring me money and it was not Viggo Mortensen, but I followed him to see how far he wanted to go, "he said. at Noticias Argentinas.

The discussions lasted a week, still on WhatsApp, and between two conversations, he asked her to keep everything secret because he had "chosen" her and had no intention of transmitting her phone number to other fans.

The spokespersons of the municipal police pointed out to the Noticias Argentinas agency that it was "a scam presenting itself in the form of a simple and clear story of the uncle, who uses technology to suppress identity. "

"If the person bet, it is the first victim, but do not forget that the actor Viggo Mortensen is also, because it stains his reputation and honor," said the specialist.

He also said that "it is possible to open an investigation," but said that it will depend on the judge who triggers the complaint and that "in this case, the United States will cooperate," he said. is where this scam is supposed to work. "


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