Scandal in Belgium for an orgy with diplomats and an MEP in full quarantine


The restrictions to curb infections, which for weeks began to bear fruit after Belgium became the epicenter of the coronavirus in Europe in October and early November, have their downside: they have ended the sleepless nights, with the parties, with debauchery and passion.

But not for everyone. Some people seem to need these moments of relaxation and pleasure more than others. And despite the rules, they cannot be repressed. The problem arises when they are discovered.

Brussels police officers disturbed last Friday evening an orgy in a place in the center of Brussels in which 25 men participated, including at least two diplomats and one MEP. In principle, an orgy between adults who participate voluntarily is completely legal in Belgium, but in the midst of a pandemic it violates health regulations.

The action of the police must have provoked a grotesque. According to the account the agents told the newspaper The last hour, when they arrived after a complaint at the place where the orgy was taking place, sprayed with liters of alcohol and various types of drugs, they found 25 men. Among them, several diplomats and a MEP.

“We disrupted a gang bang,” police told the French newspaper. The prosecutor’s office announced on Tuesday that Szajer had found drugs in his bag. He claims someone put them there.

According to Belgian public television, the MEP is Hungarian conservative Jozsef Szajer, a member of the party of ultra-nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Szajer, 59, has been an MEP since 2004 (when his country joined the European Union) and was vice-president of the EPP group, the oldest in the European Parliament.

Szajer has been one of the main opponents of gay marriage for years. On Thursday, on the eve of the orgy, Szajer voted against the European Parliament’s resolution on fundamental values ​​in which he deplored the declining rights of the LGTBI community in some countries, including his own, and condemned homophobic speech. .

Hungarian MEP Jozsef Szajer has apologized for participating in an orgy amid a pandemic in Brussels.  Photo: AP

Hungarian MEP Jozsef Szajer has apologized for participating in an orgy amid a pandemic in Brussels. Photo: AP

Two weeks ago, the legislator declared: “The institutional egoism and the double standards which reign in the Brussels bureaucracy are the greatest threats to peace in Europe”. This thing is vice and another is marital love and conservative values. His political life consisted largely oppress the LGTBI community Hungarian.

Szajer was the member of Orban’s party who included the following sentence in the latest constitutional reform: “Hungary protects the institution of marriage as the union of a man and a woman.” The MEP himself admitted the facts and apologized in a statement on your party’s website.

Failure to escape and fine

Due to their status, some of the participants did their utmost not to be detained or identified. MEP jumped from a local window to avoid being stopped. He was injured and was arrested. The man then alleged to the police that he enjoyed parliamentary immunity, as if it gave him a bull to commit offenses or prevented the police from identifying him and fining him.

Orgy participants received a fine for violating health regulations in force.

Orgy and confinement do not rhyme for the first time in Brussels. At the end of December 2015, while Brussels was in total detention due to anti-terrorism measures after the serious attacks in Paris which had been organized from the Belgian capital, two police officers and eight soldiers were arrested after having participated in an orgy.

Two policewomen and eight male soldiers, while their colleagues searched for terrorists, organized a clandestine party at a police station in the district of Ganshoren, in Brussels. Then a police spokesperson told the newspaper The standard that between 15 and 20 soldiers slept at the police station for two weeks while the terrorists were searched.

The same spokesperson said the orgy was organized “when they finished their two-week shift to thank the police in the area for the good treatment they received”. Despite this, there was an internal investigation which did not result in sanctions as it was understood that the orgy was taking place during the off-duty hours of the agents and the military and that all participated voluntarily.

At the end of 2015, Brussels experienced this year even stricter confinement than sanitary confinement. Schools and all public administrations have been closed, almost all public transport, markets and shops have been closed. Thousands of police and soldiers patrolled the city for days.

The patrols of soldiers are still maintained in places that are emblematic or that could be terrorist targets such as government buildings and European institutions, NATO headquarters and foreign embassies.

Brussels, special


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