Scandal in Brazil: Bishop resigns after leaked sex video | Pope Francis has accepted the resignation of Tomé Ferreira da Silva


Pope Francis accepted the resignation of Brazilian bishop Tomé Ferreira da Silva, after a sexual video of the cleric was leaked on social networks. Da Silva had tendered his resignation over the weekend when the video aired, and the Brazilian National Bishops’ Conference (CNBB) on Wednesday confirmed that he would step down after the Vatican decision.

Ferreira da Silva, 60, was the bishop of Sao José do Rio Preto, a town about 400 kilometers north of Sao Paulo, since 2012. The video that circulated this weekend by WhatsApp groups and on social media showed him stroking their genitals. and talk to another person via a video call, according to the news portal G1.

The original bishop of the state of Minas Gerais has also been the subject of an investigation by the Vatican since 2018, according to Brazilian media, suspected of having concealed cases of sexual abuse in the diocese. After accepting his resignation, according to the agency EFE, Pope Francis appointed the Archbishop of Ribeirao Preto, Moacir Silva, as administrator of this diocese until the appointment of a new bishop.

“The Apostolic Nunciature informs that the Holy Father has today accepted the request for the resignation of the pastoral government of the diocese of Sao José do Rio Preto, presented by His Excellency Tomé Ferreira da Silva”, reads the CNBB press release. , without specifying the public reasons for your step aside.

Abuse in churches in Brazil

Other similar cases have rocked the Catholic Church in Brazil recently. Last January, the police confirmed that they were investigating the Archbishop of Belem (north), who had been denounced by four former seminarians for allegedly touching their genitals on several occasions, according to testimonies revealed on the program Fantástico , of Globo TV.

In May 2019, the Bishop of Limeira (State of São Paulo) resigned after being accused of financial embezzlement and concealing cases of pedophilia.


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