Scandal in Brazil: Sinovac demanded that Bolsonaro government stop criticizing China in exchange for honoring vaccine contracts


Xi Jinping and Jair Bolsonaro (Reuters)
Xi Jinping and Jair Bolsonaro (Reuters)

Laboratory frames Sinovac they asked the government to Jair Bolsonaro stops criticizing China for ensuring compliance with vaccine contracts for the coronavirus, as reported by Brazilian diplomats in documents obtained through the portal or balloon.

Cables sent by the Brazilian Embassy in Beijing, presented to the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry (ICC) on the government’s handling of the pandemic, reported a meeting between Brazilian diplomats and senior leaders of the SinoVac laboratory , who expressed their rejection of the agent’s statements.

“It could be useful if the agreement between the companies was seen as a request from the Brazilian government”

SinoVac has signed an agreement with the prestigious Butantan Institute of Brazil for the production of CoronaVac. However, in recent weeks, the agreed schedule for the shipment of the active ingredient has not been adhered to, fundamental for the local production of doses, since they received only 75% of the agreed figures.

At the meeting held on May 19 at the company’s headquarters, Sinovac chairman Yin Weidong said a change in the government’s stance would create a “smoother” relationship, according to the diplomatic report.

Workers place Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines in trays at the Butantan Biomedical Production Center, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Reuters)
Workers place Sinovac COVID-19 vaccines in trays at the Butantan Biomedical Production Center, Sao Paulo, Brazil (Reuters)

Faced with concerns about the missing, Yan’s response was political. “It would be convenient for the process for the Brazilian government to seek to ‘develop a more fluid and positive relationship with the Chinese government,'” he said, according to diplomats. In the conversation, he also reportedly highlighted Indonesia and Chile as examples of “positive reflections of good relations” with Beijing. In Chile, one of the countries with the best vaccination rates in the region, 90% of the doses applied come from Sinovac.

According to the document, Yin “did not categorically assert that there would be direct government interference in the allocation of inputs, but stressed the importance of a good dialogue between Brasilia and Beijing», Since this was not a purely commercial matter.

“It would be convenient for the Brazilian government to seek to ‘develop a more fluid and positive relationship with the Chinese government'”

For this reason, he suggested the possibility of a political declaration in favor of exports or even preferential treatment. “This could be useful if the agreement between the companies was seen as a request from the Brazilian government.He added, according to the document, and also said a statement from Brasilia on expectations regarding the shipment of supplies would be helpful.

World Brazil’s Ambassador to Beijing, Paulo Estivallet, reported at the meeting, who responded that he would convey the message to the Brazilian government.

Two weeks before the meeting, Jair Bolsonaro had made statements that angered China. According to him, the new coronavirus would be part of a chemical war that would benefit Xi Jinping’s regime. “It’s a new virus, we don’t know if it was born in a lab or by a human who ingested an inappropriate animal. But it is there. The military know that this is chemical, bacteriological and radiological warfare. Are we not facing a new war? “, He declared in an official act. And then he pointed the finger at the Asian giant, avoiding to name it:” Which country has increased its GDP the most? I’m not going to tell you ”.

Jair Bolsonaro, on China: “Which country has increased its GDP the most? I’m not going to tell you “

After this act, the director of the Butantan Institute declared that “all statements in this regard have repercussions” and recalled that there had already been previous inconveniences due to political expressions.

Later, on Twitter, the institute expressed that “it was the bureaucratic, political and diplomatic obstacles, and not the” contractual problems with Butantan “, which delayed the shipment of the IFA (active pharmaceutical ingredient) of the China to Brazil for production by CoronaVac. “The losers are the Brazilians, who urgently need the vaccine,” they lamented.

The revelations in the diplomatic document contradict testimony presented by Health Minister Marcelo Queiroga and former Foreign Minister Ernesto Araújo, who argued before Congress that Bolsonaro’s speeches had no impact on the negotiations and procurement.


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