Scandal in India with Rihanna: the reason her photos were burned during a protest


Rihanna he still uses his networks to speak out on political issues. She was one of the main references in music to assert her position in the last election in the United States and did not hesitate to show her repudiation for the crime of George Floyd. Now he has made the protests in India visible and, with a tweet, elicited a strong reaction from this government and its supporters, who they decided to set their photos on fire on public roads.

For two months in the Asian country massive farmer protests take place against a new agricultural reform, because, according to the demonstrators, it favors large companies and strikes small and medium producers.

The singer was not the only one to get involved. But along with environmental activist Greta Thunberg, they’re the ones who have generated the most impact in the world. Thanks to the public demonstration of both, millions of people have been internalized on the problem.

Earlier this week, the star wrote: “Why aren’t we talking about this? “ and I attach a newspaper article from CNN which describes the situation in the country and denounces the blocking of the Internet in the places where the demonstrations take place. With the hashtag #FarmersProtest the artist published a tweet that received more than 800 thousand likes, 300,000 retweets and 45,000 mentions.

The repercussions of the commentary alarmed Indian authorities and their supporters, who they were offended by Rihanna’s decision to make this visible. After its posting and the publication of the environmental leader, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs asked the population not to take into account the position of foreigners.

If at no time did they dare to speak directly to the singer, they expressed: “Before rushing to comment on this type of subject, we must check the facts. The temptation of hashtags and sensational comments on social media, especially when used by celebrities and other people, they are neither definite nor responsible”They added.

In the case of Greta Thunberg, her post went further. The young woman shared a series of instructions for those who want to collaborate with the cause of the protesters. The text shows how to publicize the claim everywhere, invites you to sign petitions and join Indian embassies in other countries to join the workers’ demand.

In this context of tension, Hindu United Front activists gathered in the streets of New Delhi to set fire to images of the Barbados singer and Thunber. The message was clear: they ask to stay out of their “home affairs”. In the footage released this Friday, you can see how men and women hold photos of Riahnna and Thunberg’s faces while setting them on fire.


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