Scandal in Italy: Accusing a woman to have a child with her 13-year-old pupil


Scandal in Italy: Accusing a woman to have a child with her 13-year-old pupil Credit:

ROME.- This is a 35 year old nurse who gave private English lessons to the son of a family friend who had school problems. He is a 13-year-old boy – now 14 years old – who visits this lady twice a week.

In the current scandal in Italy, the Prato public prosecutor, a town of nearly 200,000 near Florence, in the center of the country, has opened an investigation into the woman for alleged badual violence against her child. , with whom had a son

Bride and mother of another 7 year old, this woman, whose identity has not been transcended, claims his innocence. But the WhatsApp messages exchanged with the boy would prove that there was an intimate relationship between them and that it was precisely her who, apparently obsessed with her pupil, told her that he was the father of the baby he had had five months earlier. I will not leave it.

In a story of more telenovelésques, which had a significant impact on the media, everything was born when the child's family began to notice a strange behavior in his son. He behaved strangely, he was worried, he did not seem to be the same, and he did not want to take any more private English clbades. The parents initially thought that it was a typical anxiety in adolescence, until the boy burst into tears and tells his truth. "It's this woman's fault, I wanted her to be alone with her, she was shouting at him to leave me alone, I told him that I did not want to be with her anymore, and then she mated me with her. said the son who had given birth was not from her husband, mine, "confessed the miner, according to his parents, reportedly told Corriere della Sera.

Annoyed and after attending the discussion of their son and their teacher for a year and a half, the parents decided to speak to a lawyer and file a complaint. The prosecutor's office in Prato, which opened an investigation into alleged badual violence against women, raided Friday's home and removed items, including a pair of smartphones and a computer.

On the same day, the nurse, accompanied by her husband, voluntarily presented to the police to give her consent to a DNA badysis, an indispensable test to understand who is the father of the Child born 5 months ago.

Even though it continues to transcend the content of the discussion between the teacher and the student, suggesting that an unhealthy relationship has been created and that it has not been possible. harbaded, the waiting time is due to the result of the DNA badysis. This could be ready in the coming days and unveil a mystery that holds in suspense not only the inhabitants of Prato, but throughout Italy.


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