Scandal in Poland: a newspaper titled "How to recognize a Jew" – 20/03/2019


The publication is a living reminder of the headlines that made Der Stürmer, a weekly tabloid published in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

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On the cover, you can read, with big red letters: "How to recognize a Jew". And inside, it sets out the presumed criteria to follow to obtain this identification. According to him, it is necessary to monitor "The names and the names, the anthropological characteristics, the way of speaking, the appearance and the appearance, the character, the methods of actor …".

This most brutal antisemitism manual does not come from any historical archive. This is the cover of a newspaper with the name Tylko Polska(Only Poland), and could be reached until a fortnight ago in the Sejm, in the Warsaw Parliament, in the heart of Polish democracy.

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the nationalist party and Catholic Law and Justice. His rise has revived latent anti-Semitism in Polish society. / REUTER

Jaroslaw Kaczynski, leader of the nationalist party and Catholic Law and Justice. His rise has revived latent anti-Semitism in Polish society. / REUTER

The publication level is primary: "Beans lack delicacymodesty and innate modesty among Polish women. "And finally, he says that" everyone belongs to them. " [a los judíos], they are in every country, they take control of the nations and seek to create a global Jewish state. "

All very close to the thesis of the world conspiracy, another fabulous construction of the first part of the 20th century, with antecedents in these Protocols of the Sages of Zion, a pamphlet written and published by the secret police of Tsarist Russia At the beginning of the 20th Century.

The latent antisemitismdeeply rooted in many poles, re-floated in Poland under the national-Catholic rule of law and justicewho took power three years ago. Jaroslaw Kaczynski is his strongman and he dominates the government from his seat in parliament.

The scandal erupted last week when deputies and opposition journalists they found Tylko Polska in a kiosk selling press to Parliament. The publication is led by Leszek Bubel, a guy who proclaims himself proudly as "The supreme anti-Semite of Poland".

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki (left) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu withdrew his country from a summit in Jerusalem after accusations by an Israeli minister that Poles were "anti-Semites". / REUTER

Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki (left) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu withdrew his country from a summit in Jerusalem after accusations by an Israeli minister that Poles were "anti-Semites". / REUTER

Bubel has twice been a candidate in the presidential election, but never exceeded 0.1% of the votes issued.

At first, House Administration officials argued that the content of the press they had engaged in was not their responsibility. But when the outrage grew, they rectified and they asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to eliminate this publication. "The most explicit anti-Semitism stemming from Nazi propaganda is sold to Parliament!" Said Liberal MP Michal Kaminski, indignantly.

And Krzysztof Brejza, another Liberal MP, is even more categorical and alludes to the current government's obvious tolerance of the most extreme nationalism. "It is disgusting that the size of the material is exposed in the temple of Polish democracy," he exclaims.

But the international revelation of the scandal has failed to trigger a condemnatory reaction from the nationalist government, whose spokesmen, ready to respond eloquently on other occasions, they chose to stay silent and wait for the storm to calm down.

The daily Tylko Polska is directed by Leszek Bubel, a guy who proudly proclaims himself "the supreme anti-Semite of Poland" (capture on the Internet).

The daily Tylko Polska is directed by Leszek Bubel, a guy who proudly proclaims himself "the supreme anti-Semite of Poland" (capture on the Internet).

"The fact that the main Polish politicians, such as the president of the Sejm table, did not condemn him, is deeply troubling," says Agnieszka Markiewicz, director of the American Jewish Committee for Central Europe.

In fact, some nationalist MPs tried to justify the disclosure of antisemitic content by hiding respect for freedom of expression, which prohibits them from carrying out censorship, even though incitement to racial or religious hatred is a punishable offense defined in the Polish penal code.

Nor was the government shocked by the fact that independent media have recalled previous manifestations of minimized or tolerated anti – Semitism, as well as solemn declarations by the media. former head of government, Beata Szydlo, again and again, they had claimed that anti-Semitism did not exist in Poland .

When an Israeli minister recently said that Poles have been anti-Semitic since birth, Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki canceled his trip to Israel.



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