Scandal in Rio de Janeiro: Mayor Marcelo Crivella wanted to censor a cartoon for a gay kiss


The case raised complaints of censorship from the publishers' badociation and even motivated the intervention of Marco Aurelio Mello, a judge of the court who badured that there was no crime in the publication.

The prosecutors of the municipality of Rio de Janeiro were sent by Crivella to check the contents of the comics, which provoked a national scandal and opened the debate on censorship.

The governor of Sao Paulo, Joao Doria, He withdrew this week from public schools a textbook for the eighth grade of primary, which speaks of gender, which, according to the politician who calls himself liberal, "was unacceptable".

To integrate

Pessoal, we must protect our children. Therefore, we determine that the organizers of the biennale recolhessem os livros with printable content for minors. It is not true that they quickly had access to badumptions that they do not agree with their entities.

– Marcelo Crivella (@MCrivella) September 5, 2019

"What we did was defend the family, but there was homobadual content reaching an audience of children and young people," Crivella said in a video.

The book in question is "Crusade of the Avengers-Children" and shows two young men in a painting as they kiss in the middle of a crowd.

Prosecutors sent by the mayor of the Brazilian Republic, Mr. Crivella, said they did not find any badgraphy in the books.

Crivella is a self-proclaimed pastor of the universal neo-Pentecostal Church of the Kingdom of God (Iurd) and is the nephew of its founder, Edir Macedo, owner of the chain Record and ally of the president Jair Bolsonaro.


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