Scandal: In the middle of a party, a girl mocks her boyfriend and mother for having a clandestine relationship | the Chronicle


Young man revealed his mother’s infidelity with boyfriend at birthday party that she organized herself, which caused the scandal and the viralization of what happened on all social networks.

The birthday party was her mother’s, but she was the one who organized it, including the timing of the speech and the outrageous reveal in front of all the guests.

The video on TikTok already has 39 million views and around 20 thousand comments where users of social networks have expressed that lovers have a lack of ethics and morals.

In the original message that the user @ anygacia22 did on TikTok revealed her mom’s infidelity with the girl’s boyfriend in a series of 7 videos in which the girl calls her mom and boyfriend to surprise them.

“I have suspected things lately”the girl started in her story, while one of the musicians asked her if she was going to become a grandmother. Considering the denial of this question, the woman continued with her explanation, pulled out her cell phone and told them that hees had sent the guests the chat where her mother and her boyfriend said they were going on a trip together.

From there the groom got nervous and she calmed him down to continue with the snitch. “You did your dirty things. You are my mother. How can you“, He reproached the mother.

“Everything is more than clear, there is nothing to explain. You can stay at the party, it’s up to you”, said the girl, who said goodbye to the guests after the whole situation.

Family reaction

Mom’s “official” boyfriend asked the woman for an explanation of how she could date him and his son-in-law at the same time.

Instead, the mother chose to remain silent and surprised, while her daughter accused her of infidelity. The girl’s young boyfriend wanted everyone to calm down and make things right by chatting.

As the boyfriend grew more and more desperate because he was not being filmed, the woman tried to ignore the affair and her partner scolded her for how bad he was.

The young woman said goodbye and thanked the guests who were not comfortable with the whole situation.

The moment the girl exposed her boyfriend and mother



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