Scandal: The episcopate gives classes to stop being homosexual


In his letter, the episcopate pointed out that the courses are "a help and advice" requested by people and that "this integral, pastoral and spiritual accompaniment in all this is always done by faith and reason, with love and truth in the light of the Word of God and the magisterium of the Catholic Church. "

The controversy erupted after the portal published an audio recording of the course, recorded by a journalist who pretended to be a young man seeking to change his badual orientation.

" has proved to the first person that the contents of the material sent by mail and the first session of pseudoterapia (given by a person without training) are centered on the fact that the person ceases to be homobadual, which the experts of the General Council of Psychology of Spain considered anti-scientific and dangerous, "because they generally lead to problems of anxiety, depression and suicide" ", explains l & # 39; 39, article published in this media.

He adds: "This type of session is prohibited in the Community of Madrid and those who teach it may incur a fine of more than 45,000 euros, in accordance with Article 70.4.c of the Protection Act. against the LGTBfobia of the Community. "

The law of Madrid qualifies it directly as illegal, insofar as it prohibits "the promotion and the realization of therapies of aversion or of conversion with the aim of modifying the badual orientation or the identity of kind", that the people come voluntarily or not, and consider them as such. very serious offense that could lead to the withdrawal of public subsidies.

Although the diocese denied that the therapies were a reversal, the pseudotherapist herself (she claims to be a doctor in biology, but the College of Psychologists of the Community of Madrid badured that she was not board member), that she communicated them in a registration that risked and the law that prohibited it.

To integrate

"Explain why you feel what you feel and how to stop feeling it is considered homophobia, I know that this can have consequences, it is a LGTBphobic cognitive act, they could even close the center", he tells the journalist, who claims to be a boy confused with his baduality.

"I have a homophobic act with you, I mean, I'm trying to help, I know it can have consequences, so much so that I could go to jail."He adds and asks him not to tell anyone, not even his friends. It also warns you that if you do, there will be problems for all who come and they will also try to convince you not to return to a session.

To integrate


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