Scandal: wanted to convert a tribute to veterans into a political act and ended up launching


It is the Secretary of Education and Municipal Culture of Santa Rosa, Gabriel Gregoire, who was booed by relatives of veterans.

The speech of the Secretary of Education and Municipal Culture of Santa Rosa, Gabriel Gregoire, in a tribute to the ex-combatants of the Falklands, ended in a scandal when he tried to campaign politically. The children of a veteran took it out of the microphone.

To integrate

The official was one of the protesters of the event and gave a thorough speech on the occasion of the tribute to the victims of the war in the Falklands. However, at one point Grégoire turned 360 degrees and took the opportunity to talk politics, admitting that Mauricio Macri's government had failed to reduce poverty and defending the leadership of Mayor Leandro Altolaguirre, who had left the site for a few minutes. before by a decompensation.

His words angered two sons of veterans who started booing him. Quickly, the repudiation became widespread and members of the Veterans Committee asked the official to cut the speech. "Caradura, respect the heroes," they shouted. Gregory continued his speech until two people pushed him out of the microphone.

To integrate

After the scandal, Gregory published the full speech on social networks. "These are words for a deserved tribute to the veterans who have fallen to the misery of the Falklands, to which we must always remember, all speech is political, I have badumed this task with respect and as a political worker," he insisted, far from making excuses.

In contrast, Branco and Lucas, children of ex-fighter Jorge Maidana, were very upset by the attitude of the official. "It was an offense for children and for fighters … At one point, a veteran asked to be careful not to hurt hearts, I think it was repeated, 37 after forgetfulness and desalting, the speech We do not campaign is a patriotic act to recall our heroes, so we were so angry and we respectfully asked him to withdraw, to stop give the speech and let the beautiful and emotional act follow. " they reported.

"Last year, we congratulated him for his speech, but this year we could not let him continue and, as we started to repudiate him, I asked him to leave him, because we did not should not mix politics with the evil, "they added.


Tribute to the Falklands and Falklands veterans in Neuquén


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