Scandal with Pamela David in Paraguay


September 21st Pamela David Enrique Castro Rodríguez, director of culture, paid tribute to the Paraguayan Chamber of Deputies. According to the certificate, the driver of Pamela in the afternoon He posted on his Instagram account, the recognition is due to the efforts of the ex-model to "promote the work, culture and brotherhood between Paraguay and Argentina through America TV".

Pamela David received a certificate of recognition and gratitude from the Paraguayan Parliament (Photo: Instagram @pamedavid)
Pamela David received a certificate of recognition and gratitude from the Paraguayan Parliament (Photo: Instagram @pamedavid)

At the graduation, the driver thanked the recognition and was acclaimed. "We are the decisions we make, the roads we take, Asunción is part of my history, of my life.Today, the Congress of Paraguay has given me the recognition of the Paraguayan Cultural Parliament and from the Directorate of Culture, I am very pleased with this recognition, "he said.

For his part, the director of culture of the chamber explored the reasons why they paid tribute to the driver. "We will give our friend Pamela David a fair recognition, who grew up in Paraguay, but especially to inform, communicate, educate and promote culture through this important channel, América TV. Thanks to this channel, we could agree with Argentina that the corn cake (chipá guazú) is ours, "said Enrique Castro Rodríguez.

The anecdote tells the story of a conflict that erupted as part of an Argentine cooking program, in which they claimed that this dish was indigenous. However, Pamela David third in favor of the Guarani and they wanted to honor him.

Pamela David delighted to cry (Photo: Instagram @pamedavid).
Pamela David delighted to cry (Photo: Instagram @pamedavid).

The scandal erupted a few days later when a group of Paraguayan lawmakers asked to dismiss the director of culture from the chamber of their office, saying that The price of David "is unfortunate"because "in no case a decoration can be attributed" of the Congress.

"It is unfortunate that, in Paraguay, absolutely meritorious people in the fields of music, sports and mathematics, reward a woman who will have a professional merit in his life but will in no case be awarded a decoration", he said indignantly. PEN deputy Kattya González. Until now, Pamela has made no reference to criticism. We will have to see if he picks up the glove or keeps it glory.


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