Scandalous video: Shark sentenced to death for being cut off for fun | Chronic


An aberrant video, in which you can see two men cutting the tail of a shark to have fun, condemning the animal to a slow and painful death, has outraged thousands of users of social networks.

In the recording, originally posted on Instagram by the environmental organization "Oceans Keepers", it has gained popularity thanks to the project account "Save The Reef" & nbsp. -Salva at the reef, in Spanish- you can see two fishermen, from Iceland, aboard their fishing boat near the coast of Greenland.

One of them catches the shark and cuts his tail, while the other pushes and laughs: "Good luck when you try to swim, bastard"said one of the individuals laughing, making fun of the shark's view slowly moving away from the boat.

"Unfortunately, this kind of senseless killing will be the end of our marine life, our environment and, possibly, our own species, unless we change it immediately!", commented the video Save The Reef.

They also added "Greenland sharks are the longest living vertebrates on Earth, between 300 and 500 years old, and it is thought that they possess unique genes that could be the secret of a long life for us too, humans."

According to the publication, the men were immediately fired from their jobs and also reportedly violated several laws, so that they could be fined up to $ 8,000 for acts of cruelty to the men. animals.

A harmless and virtually blind animal

The shark on the images is a species of boreal shark or Greenland, an animal harmless to humans. He lives in northern waters and is virtually blind. There is no attack on people as it feeds on small fish and other smaller sharks.


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