Scary image: he saw a "ghost" next to his baby asleep in the cradle | Chronic


Elizabeth Maritza, a citizen of Illinois, United States, saw a "ghost baby" overnight in the cradle of your child. After attending this cooling episode, Maritza confessed that she could barely sleep. He even approached with a flashlight while his son was sleeping. However, the next morning, his discovery took a turn.

he "ghost" It turned out that it was a sticker that was on the mattress. As her husband had forgotten to put on the mattress protector before changing the sheets, the picture was getting closer to his grandson. The woman told the story on her Facebook account and became viral.

So, he saw the "ghost" during the night. (Facebook)

It was actually a sticker. (Facebook)

READ ALSO: The stone-shaped device looking for ghosts

The message that he posted on Facebook.


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