Schiaretti expects Lavagna with the idea of ​​participating in the Peronist STEP


The governor of Córdoba could receive the former minister of the economy Wednesday; believes that there must be primaries in the non-Kirchner PJ; the contacts between the two with Tinelli

CÓRDOBA.- On the way to add accessions,

Roberto Lavagna

arrives Wednesday at


speak to the entrepreneurs of the Mediterranean Foundation and the objective is to meet the

Juan Schiaretti

, one of the owners of Federal Alternative.

The governor has already advanced to
THE NATION who has "no problem" to receive it, but preferred not to comment on the former minister 's decision not to participate internally when he decides to go ahead. to be candidate.

By the office of Cordoba already pre-decided of the past federal Peronism:

Juan Manuel Urtubey

with whom you have a fluid dialogue, even for management problems;

Sergio Mbada


Miguel Ángel Pichetto

. Until now, as this newspaper confirms, Schiaretti has still not spoken to Lavagna since he's campaigning to make a definition of it.

"To date, without a candidate, the Gringos say that the road is the STEP, it misses a lot and nothing is closed," said a member of the governor's small circle.

Schiaretti sees with great eyes Lavagna's approach to Federal Alternative, but until it shows that she contributes more than his own name understands that he it is not necessary to give it the structure that the governors had conceived. Cordovan's shipowners claim they "have nothing to do with the installation" of the former minister at the national level.

The governor "totally" resolved not to go from Córdoba to a national candidacy; He badumed his role as promoter of a third electoral path for October and knows that a "good" victory in the May provincial elections would have the effect of forcing oxygenation. From this position of articulator, for the moment, will defend the internal position.

His relatives pointed out that he "personally" took care to negotiate approaches with Margarita Stolbizer and Socialist Miguel Lifschitz. The Santa Fe is one of the things they have in common with Lavagna, which also understands that we have to work within a broad coalition. But the Cordobans point out that a structure "is not a photo, it goes farther and it still does not have it".

What would be the triggering contribution that could pave the way for Lavagna's candidacy without STEP? For example – they disperse as it was a minor fact – that the candidate has for governor of Buenos Aires.

They do not call him, but they think of Marcelo Tinelli, with whom the former minister had lunch on Monday. After, the driver of
showmatch shot with his foundation La Matanza. He also did not define what he will do, but Lavagna would have been delighted to continue with him. Between Tinelli and Schiaretti, there is a common link: the political consultant Guillermo Seita. The driver and Cordoba never met and did not even talk to each other over the phone, but they would have had indirect contacts when Bolívar had the ambition to lead the AFA.

The little table of Federal Peronism is fully aware that its big outstanding problem is Buenos Aires, exactly the district where Cristina Kirchner has the hard core of voters. Schiaretti is among those who understand that Mbada should focus on this jurisdiction, but he is convinced that it is "impossible" to step out of his presidential aspirations. The installation of a candidate is a task that requires a time that the force does not have.

Some members of Alternative Federal mix another possibility: if in about 60 days does not end "curdled milk", one of the annotated comments and that Lavagna is still interested in a candidate, she could be left to this place and that is the movement that constitutes the list of candidates. legislators. On this last point, it had already been agreed that in all provinces the security forces would have the same number.


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