School declared ‘persona not grata’ to teacher who said there was only male and female | the Chronicle


The public institute of Alcalá de Henares IES Complutense has decided to suspend the professor of biology and geology Jesus Barron Lopez for teaching his students that there are only two sexes, male and female.

The punishment will last six months will be unpaid And as if that was not enough, they refused him admission to the institute located in Madrid since they declared it “ungrateful person”. “It’s like they’re judging me for saying the Earth is round”, Barrón commented on the matter and added that he had never sought “Hurt feelings” belongs to nobody.

According to his students, the accused said in class that men are born with XY chromosomes, while women are born with XX chromosomes, and that will not change no matter how people may have surgeries.

The institute opened in 1933 and is one of the oldest high schools in the region.

The Ministry of Education got into controversy and came out to banking to the teacher. “In the classroom, you have to learn what the curriculum says you have to learn. Therefore, we don’t want any kind of indoctrination. “

Barron did not stop and immediately brought legal actions against his employers at the hands of Christian Lawyers, who will take care of your file. The association assured that Ilenia Megías Chico. Director of Indel IES Complutense and educational inspector of the region, “They intimidated and discriminated against him” to say “Scientific truths”.

“When they asked him for explanations, they had a repressive attitude against the teacher, making a complete abuse of his power, and intimidating him with impertinent questions of a political and ideological nature”, they added.

“Without a doubt, we don’t want a group to be discriminated against or attacked… Now we are not going to allow Barrón to be suspended from his job and salary for defending scientifically proven facts.”, they specified Christian lawyers.

As Barrón added to his testimony, since he started working in the institution he has felt uncomfortable due to the speeches that have been given on gender identity and in which, depending on their version, “They used obscene drawings, practices and videos that even bordered on porn.” The case is only just beginning and the legal battle too.

In Argentina, the deputy Francisco Sanchez (JxC) made a brief comment about it on their Twitter account. “There are only two sexes: women and men”, he condemned.


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