Scientist revealed when aliens will come in contact with humans | the Chronicle


The doctor Michio Kaku, physicist and one of the stars of the American documentary program Ancient Aliens, assured that soon the human being will come into contact with extraterrestrials.

Kaku spoke to TMZ after having Pentagon confirmed video to be genuine which circulated in the networks, in which the observation of a flying object in the shape of a pyramid by a US Navy destroyer.

The video, which was posted by the director of the documentary Jeremy Corbell, He showed how various triangle-shaped light elements roam the night sky that at first glance do not correspond to known flying objects.

Kaku, 74, said the images had two possible explanations: either they are evidence of secret military weapons, or they are evidence that there is life beyond Earth.

“I think the issue of extraterrestrial visits can no longer be ruled out. It was something only wackos and drunks saw. These were the people who told of encounters with flying saucers “, said the scientist, who has dedicated his life to studying string field theory.

I think now we have to take them seriously. I am a physicist. We believe in things that can be verified and reproducedadded.

In the past you couldn’t prove that it existed, it was just eyewitness testimony, but now we have videotapes of the United States Army. Physicists are now analyzing the videos, frame by frame, and we realize that no military vehicle can reproduce the turns and speed of these objects. “, noted the author of several bestsellers.

When will contact be possible?

Kaku added that due to the technology that these beings from other worlds apparently have, something which is glimpsed in the observations, they would be much more advanced than that of the Terrans.

“They’re probably thousands of years ahead of us in technology, in which case we’re like squirrels to them.“, Explain.

“¿What do we have to offer? Gold? No, gold is a pretty useless metal for an alien, ”he added. We really don’t have anything to offer them and, in fact, they’ve been watching us for many years, and if they wanted to get in touch, they would have done so decades ago. “.

Finally, the scientist said that advances in human technology will allow contact with beings from other planets in a short period of time. “Our species is more and more adept at recognizing signs of life, it is only a matter of time before coming into contact with an extraterrestrial civilization “, he assured.

I think there is a good chance that during this century we will make contact with an extraterrestrial civilization. And how do we know this? Because we are getting better at exploring the planets in outer space for radio signals“, specific.


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