Scientists have discovered a way to include recycled masks in pavement mixes


Scientists have found a way to recycle single-use surgical masks and turn them into roads.  (Shutterstock)
Scientists have found a way to recycle single-use surgical masks and turn them into roads. (Shutterstock)

A new study by scientists at the Royal Institute of Technology in Melbourne (Australia) succeeded in developing a floor covering made from recycled masks. The initiative seeks to help reduce the environmental impacts derived from the pandemic.

According to the researchers, to make 1 kilometer of two-lane road, around 3 million masks would be consumed and 93 tonnes of waste would be prevented from ending up in the landfill.

This new material uses an innovative technique that mixes single-use masks with treated construction debris. According to the analysis presented, crushed masks help add strength and rigidity to the final product, which would be used in road and pavement underlayments.

Tests of the material, the researchers said, passed all civil engineering safety standards.

“This first study examined the feasibility of recycling single-use face masks on the road and we were delighted to find that it not only works, but also offers real technical benefits.” said lead author of the study, Dr Mohammad Saberian.

A sample of recycled road building material, combining single-use shredded face masks with treated construction debris.
A sample of recycled road construction material, combining single-use shredded face masks with treated construction debris.

The results, which were published in the journal Total environmental science They have been known to have been the first to study the possible applications of disposable surgical masks in civil construction.

The use of this personal protective equipment (PPE) has increased significantly due to the COVID-1 pandemic. It is estimated that they are generated around 6.8 billion disposable masks per day.

In addition, health authorities have indicated in recent months that surgical masks offer better protection than fabric masks, which has increased the consumption of these instruments much more.

For Dr Saberian, it is necessary to move forward in multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches to seek to mitigate the environmental impact of COVID-19 and, in particular, the risks that arise from the elimination of protective elements such as masks or gloves.

“We hope this will pave the way for more research to work on ways to manage health and safety risks on a large scale and determine whether other types of PPE would be suitable for recycling as well.”said the scientist.

From disposable masks to roads

The material used to build the roads is made up of four layers: the foundation, the base, the underlayment and the asphalt on top. Each of these must be resistant and flexible to be able to withstand the pressures of the heavy vehicles passing through them and prevent them from cracking.

Typically, treated construction debris is used as Recycled Concrete Aggregate (RCA), which can potentially be used on its own for three of the four base layers a road needs.

But What the Australian researchers found is that by adding the jagged masks, the RCA improves the material and, at the same time, manages to offer a sustainable route for the disposal of PPE and construction waste.

The new material combines aggregates of recycled concrete (left) and small strips of shredded disposable masks (right).
The new material combines aggregates of recycled concrete (left) and small strips of shredded disposable masks (right).

The study identified an optimal mix (1% to 99% RCA shredded face masks) which offers resistance and maintains good cohesion between the two materials.

The blend works well when tested for resistance to stress, acid and water. It also showed good results of strength, deformation and dynamics, thus meeting all relevant civil engineering specifications.

While the experimental study was conducted with a small number of unused surgical masks, other investigations looked at effective methods for disinfecting and sterilizing used masks.

A comprehensive review of disinfection technologies found that 99.9% of viruses could be removed with the simple “microwave method,” in which masks are sprayed with an antiseptic solution and then microwaved for one minute.

In related workRMIT researchers also investigated the use of shredded disposable face masks as an aggregate material for making concrete, with promising preliminary results.

6.8 billion disposable masks are used worldwide every day.
6.8 billion disposable masks are used worldwide every day.

Professor Jie Li leads the research team at RMIT School of Engineering, which focuses on recycling and reuse of waste for civil construction.

Li said the team were inspired to analyze the feasibility of mixing face masks with building materials after seeing so many masks thrown on local streets.

“We know that even if these masks are disposed of properly, they will either go to the landfill or be cremated. The COVID-19 pandemic has not only created a global health and economic crisis, it has also had dramatic effects on the environment.“Said the scientist.

“If we can bring a reflection on the circular economy to this huge waste problem, we can develop the smart and sustainable solutions that we need”, concluded.


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