Scientists say a planet could also house life


Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology (USA) have found new evidence that an exoplanet previously discovered could harbor life, according to the new study, the results of which are compiled by Georgia Tech.

2014, the 186f Kepler is the first planet of similar size to Earth that was discovered in the habitable zone of a star.

According to scientists have been able to establish with the help of simulations, this celestial body has the same stable axial tilt the Earth, which indicates a possible regular change of seasons and stable climatic conditions on this planet, a factor key to the emergence and maintenance of life.

The study specifies that the axial tilt, both of the Earth and Kepler 186f, is about 23 degrees. In this way, now scientists have more evidence of a presence of life on this planet.

In 2014 astronomers discovered that the Kepler 186f is located in the habitable zone of its star, that is to say at a distance from its sun allows it to have a moderate temperature necessary to the existence of water in liquid form.

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