Scientists used rat snakes to monitor radiation levels in Fukushima


10 years after the accident at the nuclear power plant Fukushima in Japan caused by a magnitude 9 earthquake and a tsunami With gigantic waves, the area continues with high levels of radiation.

In recent days, researchers at the University of Georgia in the United States reported, via the scientific journal Ichthyology & Herpetology, They decided to use snakes to monitor radiation levels in the area.

The reptiles used are rat snakes because they are an effective bioindicator of residual radioactivity due to their natural conditions.

Why did they choose rat snakes?

In the report they presented, the scientists explained that they chose 9 rat snakes for this study because these types of reptiles are abundant in the region. This is why the animals have not been removed from their natural habitat and this species is an idea as they accumulate high levels of radionuclides over short paths.

The researchers said that the snakes’ constant contact with the ground and the movements they use to move around are important factors in reflecting the levels of contamination.

The objective of this experiment is to be able to determine the importance of the impact of the nuclear accident on the surrounding natural spaces.

Apartment Serpiente. Photo: Hanna Gerke

Hanna gerke, one of the principal investigators of this project, stressed that their study will help them better understand what was the environmental impact from Fukushima nuclear accident.

“Our results indicate that animal behavior has a great impact on radiation exposure and pollutant build-up. Study how specific animals use polluted landscapes helps to better understand the environmental impacts of huge nuclear accidents, such as Fukushima and Chernobyl, ”he explained. Gerke, co-author of the study.

For its part, James C. Beasley, author of the research, explained that the snakes were equipped with GPS and very high frequency manual tracking. These artifacts were placed on the back of the reptile’s body and with special glues to protect them.

“Snakes are good indicators of environmental pollution because they spend a lot of time on and in the field, ”he said. James and I add: “They have small ranges and are important predators in most ecosystems, and are often relatively long-lived species.”

Finally, the team in charge of carrying out the study underlined that, thanks to the snakes the level of radioactivity could be monitored at 1718 points.


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