"Sco Pa Tu Mana": what does it mean and where does Twitter's new viral sentence come from?


I bring a solution to "SCO PA TU MANA" pic.twitter.com/tIUVTZZvag

– Maruzzi Ezequiel (@MaruzziEzequiel) July 28, 2019

According to its use, it was known that the expression meant: "what do you think" or what do you think about a subject. The use of the phrase is then to upload an image on a particular subject or something that you want to generate an opinion and expect users to comment below.

Sco pa you manaa pic.twitter.com/ZhC1qT5xcH

– ??? (@irismichelle___) July 12, 2019

On the origin of the sentence, there is still no certainty, but there are several theories. Some claim that it comes from Zambia, others explain that its use refers to Hawaii and most say that this sentence began to be used after the song of the artist Kawoula Biov, where this sentence is said and after a viral challenge has begun to circulate through the networks.

The same ones on the new viral sentence soon arrived on the networks.

Sco pa you mana who are all stupid pic.twitter.com/kE4VCskBQd

– ROSARIO IS FROM CENTRAL (@ elias_cbadla01) July 29, 2019

When he wrote sco pa you ate, did he have the impression that his brain was damaged? pic.twitter.com/9X2umiuHBI

– I'm sorry for this account (@federybayII) July 28, 2019

I finally know what "SCO PA TU MANA" means in the son of a bitch manga pic.twitter.com/volgYOLlpN

– DD (@gordobajonero25) July 29, 2019

Sco pa you manaa or Maná for your Scocco? think people, pic.twitter.com/L9dcIhPiMO

– Leo (@leovieyra) July 28, 2019

Other terms such as "Skere" and "ATR" have been installed and are used daily, this new sentence Can you get into the usual terms for social networks? or it will fall into disuse.


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