Scotland votes for a pro-independence majority | Stur …


Scotland confirms the triumph of Chief Minister Nicola Sturgeon of the Scottish National Party (SNP). Sturgeon called the result extraordinary and said that Scottish voters gave clear orders by electing a pro-independence majority.

Sturgeon’s re-election was confirmed on Saturday night after the counting of the regional elections in Scotland was completed. The SNP was the most voted party in the Edinburgh parliamentary elections held on Thursday. The independence party was one seat away from achieving an absolute majority and found itself with 64 deputies out of the 129 that make up the legislative power. The rest were divided into 31 representatives for the Tories, 22 for Labor, eight for the Greens and four for the Liberal Democrats.

With 19,735 votes, Sturgeon was re-elected by the constituency of Glasgow Southside. In second place was the leader of the Scottish Labor Party, Anas Sarwar, after obtaining 10,279 ballots. Sturgeon has been the head of the Scottish government since 2014, the same year that the first consultation on the separation of Scotland from the United Kingdom was held. The Prime Minister seeks to convene a second plebiscite.

“The people of Scotland must decide their future when the COVID crisis passes. It is a matter of fundamental democratic principle.”said Sturgeon, whose party included a new referendum among its election promises, as have the Greens.

“Given the outcome of these elections, there is no democratic justification for Boris Johnson or anyone else to try to block the right of the Scottish people to choose our future.”added the Prime Minister.

The proposal for a new plebiscite was quickly blocked by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. “I think a referendum in the current context is irresponsible and reckless”, the head of government said in an interview with the newspaper The telegraph.

The SNP and the Greens are defending the right of the Scottish people to vote on their independence after Scotland was excluded from the European Union despite having voted to remain in the European bloc.

“To any Westminster politician trying to get in the way, I would say two things: first, you are not fighting the SNP, you are fighting the democratic wishes of the Scottish people, and second, you will not succeed. the only people who can decide the future of Scotland are the Scots “the SNP leader told reporters in Glasgow.

An estimated 63 percent of voters participated, a higher percentage than in previous regional elections. From Glasgow, the Prime Minister spoke of the results and ratified the intentions to hold a new plebiscite in 2023, once the crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic has been overcome.


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