Search and arrest of two people for a robbery in the district of Los Almendros


The kidnapping of several items and the arrest of two people are the result of a raid carried out this afternoon for a robbery that took place in a house in the neighborhood of Los Almendros, official sources reported.

From the seventh section, they indicated that the operation is linked to the investigation of an event that occurred in a house in Vieytes in 2500, where criminals broke down a back door and stole various items.

On the basis of testimonies and investigative work, the police requested a search of a property located in Güiraldes at 600, which was authorized by Judge Claudia Olivera, who is subrogating the property of the Safeguards Tribunal No.1.

On the spot, they seized a notebook, a cell phone and a set of cosmetic products, which were recognized by the victim.

For this reason, they arrested Mauro Calabrano (30 years old) and Giuliana Rivero, who were transferred to the unit and made available to UFIJ n ° 7.

Spokesmen said the man had a “thick criminal record.”


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