Sebastian’s painful story: his wife died of coronavirus after giving birth and he holds a raffle to pay for the funeral


The life of Sebastian modified July 15th, because that day its wife died of coronavirus. With the help of his family, he faces this difficult and sad moment, but above all he draws the strength to move forward for his girls, that they are very small.

June 8 Lorena, who was 26 years old, it started with symptoms and as it was Pregnant, they immediately went to the hospital. As a precaution, the doctors decided to admit him, but his condition worsened. Lorena was pregnant and on June 16 she started having contractions. They had a Caesarean and Mina was born, but she passed away within a month.

Debt and suffering

The couple met 9 years and 3 months ago via Facebook. “We didn’t know each other before and I started writing to him because I liked him,” Sebastian recalled wistfully. They also had Jasmine, a 5 year old girl.

Each issue costs $ 200 and is drawn on August 28. (Photo: Facebook).

Lorena received all the necessary care at the hospital in White Bay, but did not resist. Her husband does not have enough money to cover the expenses of the vigil and the funeral, so together with her brother-in-law, they decided to make a raffle to raise funds and repay debts. Each number is worth $ 200 and the 0 kilometer bike will be drawn on August 28 at the National Lottery.

“I don’t know how many issues I’ve sold, but I know there are a lot. I’m very grateful to the people who bought them, and also to those who they collaborated and they didn’t want numbers. I know that thanks to everyone’s help I will be able to pay the expenses ”.

His salary as an airport cleaner is not high, it is barely enough to buy food and milk. In addition, in 2020, due to the pandemic, it was halved. With these small incomes, he had to face the expenses of the house and the hospitalization.

Now that the debts are numerous, he calls on the solidarity of the population to support him in this difficult period. For those who can buy a number for the raffle, they must write to the email: [email protected]. Or you can also find it on Facebook like Sébastien Betancourt.

Sebastian’s Facebook post asking people for help. (Photo: Facebook).

The remains de Lorena is resting in Parque de Paz and since then this man’s daily life has been on the rise. Live between diapers, bottles and kindergarten. In a voice resigned by the drama, she encourages herself to move forward to offer a good life to her daughters, because despite the absence of their mother, they remain a family.


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