Second wave: borders will be strengthened and provinces will control restrictions


The ministers and heads of the national portfolios of the Interior, Health, Transport and Security today shared a videoconference with ten governors to assess the entry and exit of people on the national territory and the potential strengthening traffic control in places not authorized by migration.

The virtual meeting was chaired by Ministers Eduardo “Wado” de Pedro, Mario Meoni and Sabina Frederic, accompanied by the Secretary of the Interior, José Lepere; the national director of migration, Florencia Carignano and the secretary for access to health, Sandra Tirado, among others.

According to government sources confirmed to Telam, various measures were considered during the meeting and a consensus emerged to discourage the departure of Argentines abroad for reasons that are not urgent.

It was analyzed to establish stricter border control to avoid unauthorized transit, with a strengthening of the endowments of the security forces and with particular attention to the epidemiological situation at the borders with Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia.

Although 70% of Argentines who return to the country reside in the city and province of Buenos Aires, the functionality of “safe corridors” to re-enter the country has been assessed and the need for jurisdictions to monitor compliance with quarantine. mandatory of these. people.

In this sense, the contribution that various international NGOs with experience in the matter can make was appreciated and it was recalled that, regardless of the severity of the tests, the only 100% sure way is to respect the 7 days of testing. ‘isolation.

In addition, it was raised as a priority to declare as essential the personnel of the different zones who perform functions related to border control to accelerate their vaccination against Covid-19.

Likewise, it was reported that a flight arrangement was underway “to ensure the return of Argentines from abroad in an orderly and safe manner” and that “additional measures” were proposed for carriers.

As government sources explained to Telam, the dynamics of the health situation means that, “just as in summer, the problem was at night”, today the focus must be “on Argentines who go to abroad and come back “.

“You have to wonder why, in the midst of the current situation, there are nearly 30,000 Argentines who are abroad, people who – for the most part – do not make an essential trip”, commented a prominent door – speech of the accredited press.

After this meeting, it will be necessary to wait whether or not these measures deserve a presidential decree or can be specified by partial resolutions of the organizations concerned, explained the officials.

As of December of last year, only Argentines, residents or essential staff can enter the country, while international trade with neighboring countries continues to be activated.

Today, the chief of staff, Santiago Cafiero, reaffirmed the government’s decision to “work with more controls” at the country’s border posts, in coordination “with the provincial courts” and warned of the “risks “to travel to countries with” circulation of new strains “.

“The government has worked with the ministers of health of all provinces in the Federal Council and also in various control measures, to ensure that the isolation and protocols of those returning from trips to high risk places are respected. , and we seek to continue to warn about it, ”Cafiero said this morning in a dialogue with FM Delta.

In this sense, he recalled that currently “only trips by Argentines or residents of the country are authorized” and announced that with the existence of new strains and the possible arrival of a next wave of infections, “We are trying to warn against the risks of going to a country with community circulation and with a sustained circulation of new strains today.

In this regard, Cafiero stressed that “the entries that the country has today are through Ezeiza” because “the rest of the borders have been closed since December 24, following this peak at the end of the year “, while recalling that” foreign tourism is also closed “.

“It is our responsibility to continue to warn about the risks associated with travel” abroad “, insisted the chief of ministers.

“We learn that, if we apply protocols effectively and are strict, that we take care of each other, that we keep our distance and that we are not agglomerated, if this is respected, we have seen how the economic activities are. are developed without major problems and now we see the classrooms ”with the students, he stressed.

According to the records of the National Directorate of Migration, there are currently around 27,000 Argentines abroad and to date there are no “stranded”, but they return normally and in some specific cases there are There are rescheduling of flights for the same day or the following days, due to the gradual reduction in flights, as part of the measures adopted last week.

As for the students who are in Cancun, Mexico, “they are not stranded”, noted Interior Ministry sources and explained that they are people with Covid, who must stay put until they receive a medical discharge, as neither international regulations, airline policies and Argentina’s health measures do not allow passengers with coronavirus to travel.

Provinces are responsible for performing quarantine compliance checks in each jurisdiction, and since negative test results do not guarantee 100% that they are not carrying contagion, it is still mandatory to perform isolation for seven days upon your return. from abroad.


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