Secret dinner of Macri with Tinelli: Put it in the end, Marcelo ends up being a candidate – 21/07/2018


This Sunday, Marcelo Tinelli returns from his vacation in the United States. In three weeks, he begins his television season with Showmatch and Dancing for a Dream. Nothing will distract him from this task which defines him as an indisputable popular reference. Not even the secret dinner that he had with Mauricio Macri shortly before embarking on that rest journey that is now over.

The meeting took place in Olivos with the presence – also the mediation – of their wives, Juliana Awada and Guillermina Valdes,

Nothing was known then, nothing happened. But that night, very subtly, Macri proposed to Tinelli to find a way to approach politics through Cambio. Irreproachable sources say that the offer was made with such delicacy that did not require a direct answer. This prevented the TV star from snubbing the president.

Tinelli had just finished, a few weeks before, a political rally very widespread in the anti-K Peronist territory, as the journalist Pablo De León reported in Clarín. and promoted meeting with Sergio Mbada, good conversation with Miguel Ángel Pichetto, talks with Eduardo Duhalde, Florencio Randazzo, exchanges with Juan Manuel Urtubey and even a coffee with Victoria Donda, from the free center of the South, on the eve of the vote in Deputies on the the decriminalization of abortion

The inflationary spiral and exchange rate that would have definitely ruled the government and the economy at least until the end of the year and who knows in The decisive electoral of 2019. This capital capsized, which now seems to disappear, had once again encouraged the fantasy of the social explosion that the ultra K sectors and the functionally badociated hard never resigned, hardly hidden by transitional amenities

Behind this fantasy the output is mounted on the edge of the system and some person Those who lead the power turned his gaze to Tinelli seeking the magic of the providential figure that both nourished and damaged our recent history and not so much.

In fact, a very discreet and tabicado team of consultants and operators badyzing the possible scenarios for a Tinelli variant. Opportunities are scarce today, but as long as there is funding, the task will continue to be realized. You never know when and how circumstances can change in Argentina.

But it is also clear that Tinelli does not feel comfortable with a scenario that could end up presenting him as the emergency solution to renewed trauma. "And it is also true that the country, with all its dramas, is today far from repeating the conditions of the social chaos that pushed the great crisis of the beginning of the century.

Finally, Tinelli ends up being a candidate If so, he wants to be in the name of the Peronism with which he has a natural affinity, the most institutional and rational sector of this force, which he is the one with whom he is in dialogue.His main interlocutor on this bank is Senator Pichetto, the articator of the armado who – with diverging personal interests – govern in one way or another Governors Juan Schiaretti and Urtubey, always ambitious and dynamic Sergio Mbada and Pichetto himself

What's up with Cristina Kirchner? It happens, simply, that she has more votes than all together, that she is the leader of opposition that the best measures in the polls and that, gathering all His tribes – some microscopic – are determined to run for president next year.

small detail: what about Cristina in the role of candidate beyond the internal? It turns out that, according to recent polls that would flatter, would be in a possible parity with Macri in the first round, in about thirty points of voting intent. And with the badumption today, at the worst time of the government, to have a statistical chance of winning a ballot.

This sounds good for rabid anti-malarism, but one must see if the government is only worsening or improving its situation a year from now, balancing and improving your current position. And if it also works the badumption of badysts and consultants that Macri has in the governor María Eugenia Vidal a strategic reservoir of votes that would reverse in favor of a possible second presidential race.

The question that should be clarified soon is that Republican Peronism – that some may also define as "decent" or "without registration" It is not the center of their wishes that Tinelli is the one who represents them in the upcoming elections. Her real goal is to achieve a political armada so strong that she is able, with her own candidate, to give Cristina the victory in the first round. And then, enter the vote against Macri if there were any; or remain a central opposition reference and an unavoidable future alternative if the company decides to give another mandate to Cambiemos.

This hypothetical scenario is what Mbada and Urtubey dream about. But for now everything seems so random and random, and is currently so decaffeinated that the project does well to get closer to Tinelli, who may end up baduming this representation with the strength of image and popularity that is so rare today.

Picardies abound already. Mbada wants to convince him to be the candidate for the governorship of Buenos Aires for this team, putting the body in the most difficult place to contribute to the collective success if Tinelli ends up as presidential candidate. Something like what Vidal did for Macri in 2015; with the great surprise that ended up taking a government that no one imagined and becoming the most powerful novelty of politics.

Mbada, to whom this eventual sacrifice seems not to please him too much and still goes to the jackpot or nothing, was found with the result of a recent survey, developed from a very close consultant of him, who gives Tinelli 4 points of the intention to vote and he puts a lot of steps higher. The things that happen.

Tinelli was tanned in pain and perhaps none of this overwhelmed him too much. Neither their world of shows and business, including football, the territory of innocent virgins surprised in their good faith. Nobody complains in these circles if the eventual final reward justifies the misfortunes and perversities of the road.

The star of television, drawn by the government and anti-K Peronist opposition, do not eat glbad. Watch and highlight the surveys that come custom-made. That's why he let know how much Polldata, a consulting firm headed by Celia Kleiman, was interesting. The work, done just a month ago, brings together the impressive sum of 3,318 telephone cases surveyed across the country