Secret meeting in the United States on "The use of military force in Venezuela"


A group of experts from the American Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) held a secret meeting earlier this week on "The use of military force in Venezuela," he said. told RT this Sunday, the American investigative journalist Max Blumenthal, after having published an exclusive article about it in the Grayzone portal the day before.

At the aforementioned round table, Blumenthal obtained a participation checklist entitled "Evaluation of the Use of Military Force in Venezuela", organized by the aforementioned Washington-based center, which includes several US officials and members. military personnel. and South America.

The journalist explained that the secret meeting took place on April 10, despite the erroneous date of April 20. The fact that the meeting actually took place was confirmed to Blumenthal by two of its participants, with whom he made contact to request comments.

"We are talking about military … and … military options in Venezuela, but it was earlier this week," he told journalist Sarah Baumunk, badociate researcher at the Americas Program in the United States. CSIS. She immediately became nervous, adding that she "did not feel comfortable answering these questions" and hung up.

Associate researcher Santiago Herdoiza, of the international strategy firm Hills & Company, simply confirmed that it was "an in camera meeting" without providing any details.

"They were extremely worried that journalists would be aware of this event, it was a very high-level meeting with, for the most part, the main Washington actors involved in shaping Trump's policy. as far as Venezuela is concerned, as private as possible, "Blumenthal told RT.

"It really shows that the military options are being seriously considered right now, after all the other mechanisms put into play by Trump seem to have failed," the journalist concluded.


The list of participants includes several former US military and civilian officials. and South America, representatives from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Organization of American States (OAS), as well as badysts from various research groups. reflection. Several personalities named by the self-proclaimed Venezuelan President Juan Guaidó were also present.

Among them, Admiral Kurt Tidd, who until recently headed the US Southern Command, stands out.

Another participant is Roger Noriega, a fervent opponent of the Bolivarian Revolution and US ambbadador. before the OAS, he supported groups of mercenaries to overthrow the Sandinista revolution. In addition, as Elliott Abrams, participated in the Iran-Contra scandal: senior officials of the Reagan administration, despite the Senate ban, allowed the sale of arms to the Iranian government during the Iran-Iraq war. Then, they used the proceeds of these sales to finance the armed movement Against Nicaragua, created by the United States. attack the Sandinista government.

After that, he held for many years senior positions in the US administration, notably in Venezuela and in the coordination of the OAS.

Among the participants is also the former ambbadador to Venezuela, William Brownfield, known for his participation in projects of turbulent interference against the Bolivarian country.

In addition, officials of Guaidó were present: the "adviser" in public policy, Daniel Sierra, and the "ambbadador" to the United States, Carlos Vecchio.

Among the participants in the roundtable are two Colombian officials: Colombian Army Major General Juan Pablo Amaya and the Colombian Embbady Minister in Washington Daniel Avila, but the journalist believes that the regional partners of the United States They would be very reluctant to participate in a military invasion in Venezuela.

Soldiers of the Brazilian Army are seen at the border with Venezuela, in Pacaraima, Brazil, on February 25, 2019. Brazil does not consider "under any circumstances" to allow the United States . use your territory to invade Venezuela

"Any invasion of the United States to Venezuela would be subject to the agreement of the Colombian and Brazilian governments, and it is not certain that they will obtain that consent," Blumenthal said.

"Both governments are extremely concerned about the worsening of the migration crisis, the destabilization of the whole region and that is absolutely what it would imply, and by the counter-attack of the Venezuelan army who is very competent, "he concluded. .



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