See how ten robot dogs manage to move a big truck


The mechanical dog Boston Dynamics is a celebrity in the field of robotics. Previously, we have witnessed the skills of this baptized automaton SpotMini, like its ability to open doors with latch and even its virtues for dancing.

We knew his skills and his intelligence, but not his strength. Now, the society that develops the robot dog He posted a video that shows this skill. As you can see, ten copies of SpotMini towed a very heavy truck.

As explained Boston Dynamics, the test was conducted on the parking lot of the company, on a surface with a slope of 1. The event is part of the dissemination campaign of this development, which should be put on sale this year. This, yes: is intended for the industrial sector, not for "playing" at home.

With an approximate weight of 25 kilograms, SpotMini has four articulated legs that offer great agility. In addition, when an automaton has the head, this automaton has a mechanical arm that allows it to grab objects and perform other tasks. There are also sensors in your body that make your mobility easier.

This innovation in robotics was presented in mid-2016, but only this year will begin its participation in the market.


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