See impressive images of ice avalanches on Mars


The National Administration of Aeronautics and Space of the United States (NASA, by its acronym in English) publishes impressive photos of avalanches of ice on Mars.

A probe from the US space agency discovered pronounced changes in the surface of the red planet after recording images of the same place Over nearly a decade, NASA reported Friday

March Recognition Orbiter (MRO), Mars' multi-purpose observation ship, recorded stratified deposits from the North Pole of Mars in December 2006. A new snapshot recorded on March 25 shows the awesome transformation caused in the region by an avalanche of ice

According to NASA, the steep edges of the stratified deposits of the north pole of Mars are "one of the most changing areas" of the fourth planet of our solar system.

Layered deposits of the North Pole of Mars, December 1, 2006.

Currently, Hirise – a room on board the MRO – records images of areas photographed for the first time between 2006 and 2007, six years ago Martians. The images can create a baseline and observe small and large scale changes.

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